Chapter 1

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(A/N: in this story Ethan is a sophomore [10th grade so he's about 16] and Mark is an 18 year old senior [12th grade]. Most importantly, I do not support fans crossing the line when it comes to shipping people. This is completely fiction for entertainment purposes. I do not believe that Ethan and Mark are secretly together and I love and respect Amy very much. I'm gonna put a single asterisk on the chapters that contain masturbation, 2 on chapters on anything sexual that isn't sex, and 3 on proper smut. Okie thank you have a nice day <3)

Ethan's pov

I walked into school with my black sketchbook held tightly to my side. My book matches the rest of my outfit pretty well: black skinny jeans, black and white band tee, black and white converse, and a black backpack.

My best friend Riley ran up to me almost immediately after I stepped foot in the building.

She dressed similarly to me, but had much more confidence and wasn't as afraid to be bold. Beautiful alternative makeup, studded combat boots, and snake bites adorning her lips which were covered in dark red lipstick, the only pop of color in her all black ensemble besides her blond hair.

"Ethan!" She exclaimed dramatically. "Have you heard?!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. As a retired theatre kid, she's very good at displaying over exaggerated emotion. She doesn't even try.

"What's up?" I asked with my eyes glued to the ground and a relaxed smile on my face. I'm pretty much always happy when I'm around Riley. She's the only thing that keeps me sane.

"Okay," she starts. "So rumor has it that Sandra started dating Marcus and so Marcus's friend names James knows Brock's older brother Mason and Mason has a friend called Dylan and Dylan supposedly told Mason who then told Brock who then told James who then told Marcus who then told Sandra who then told me," she paused for dramatic effect making us both stop in our tracks. "That he thinks I'm cute."

I started laughing so hard that we had to stop walking. I will never understand the female brain, something I'm learning to find peace in.
As we were both laughing and her slightly fussing about how I need to take this seriously, she put her hand on my shoulder and her face dropped. I didn't even need to look to know what was happening behind me.


Mark Fishbach is undeniably the most popular boy in school. He defenitely has some friends who are quite liked as well, but they don't have anything on him. He is what many would call the best of both worlds.

The high school senior athlete who's insanely attractive and who supposedly lives in a mansion, but who also makes honor roll and works at the local animal shelter. This dude sounds like a freaking angel but my black eye contradicts. 

I hate every ounce of that mans being. He may have a voice as thick as honey and a body carved from stone, but that doesn't change the fact that he's an asshole.

I could smell him as he entered the hallway near my locker. A scent that many would think is heavenly. He's always chewing some spearmint gum and wearing a surprisingly bearable amount of axe cologne that still somehow manages to give me a headache.

"Hey Ethan!" He says excitedly, dropping one of his hands on my shoulder giving a "friendly" shake.

I shrugged him off quickly and turned my back towards the locker so he and I were face to face.

He was wearing a blue hoodie and darker jeans. His hair was quite messy today, but it looked good as much as I hate to admit it. He wasn't much taller than me, but he was more muscular and just built bigger in general.

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