Chapter 18

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A/N: new storyish idea at the ending a/n
The unus annus resurrection merch killed me. I bought the goddus annus hoodie and the half and half hoodie. I have purchased 12 items from unus and I am extremely happy about this.
I'm sorry for the long wait but I made this one longer than usual! Enjoy :3

The next time we hung out was at my house because Mark's brother was having some friends over and Mark said he didn't want them to disturb us. It went pretty much the same as last time, just with no Chica which was very disappointing. We had Spencer though! And him and Mark seemed to get along fine.

I introduced him to my mom because if I didn't, she'd probably think something is up with Mark and that's the last thing I need. She said he was a nice boy and he's welcome over anytime. If only she fucking knew.

The next time we hung out to study it was also at my place. This time we could have actually stayed at the school, but when we met up by my locker at the end of the day and Mark asked if we're going home or staying here, my tired feet and stress answered before my brain could.

"Let's go to mine," I said sleepily without thinking. When I had already realized the potential consequences of what's to come, it was too late.

"Hang on," I said, remembering yet another project that's due tomorrow. "I have to grab something from one of the art rooms."

Mark nodded in response. I figured he'd just wait by the locker or outside by my car, but I heard his footsteps behind me as I led the way.

As we got closer and closer to the room, I began to get anxious. The thought of Mark seeing any of my creations, finished or not, was terrifying to me.

Walking into the room was both liberating and horrifying. I felt safe and free here, yet I was bringing in someone who makes me feel the complete opposite.

I quickly grabbed two almost finished pencil drawings and my sketchbook (that I now kept here, safe from Mark's idiot friends) that were tucked away in a cubby and got out of there as fast as I could.

"I like your drawing," Mark said as we walked through the almost empty halls to the parking lot. "I can't believe I've never seen your art before."

I think that realization struck both of us as soon as he finished his sentence. 'Right but you did see my art before on the dirty floor of the hall way. It was of your naked body and then you slammed me up against the wall,' I thought to myself. I almost said it out loud too, but I stopped myself.


When we got to my house we went to my room and instead of opening up my backpack, I flipped down onto my bed and closed my eyes for a second. In that moment I kind of forgot that Mark and I weren't friends.

I sat back up, took out my work, and finished it fairly quickly. No where near as fast as Mark could have, but a lot faster than I would have a week ago.

It was only around 3:30 when Mark and I were both done with our homework.

"I think you're pretty much there!" Mark said happily.

I could help but smile at his words. "You're a good tutor."

"Hey listen," he said. Oh god. "I have some bud leftover if you aren't busy."

I don't know whether it was because I was thankful he didn't bring up my sketchbook and his friends or if it was because I wanted to, but I reluctantly agreed and got rolling papers incase he needed some.

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