Chapter 2

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I quietly walked to my seat, making sure to avoid eye contact and pretend I didn't even see him there.

Luckily, there were about 10 other people in the class so I felt a bit safer.

"Hi Ethan," he said in a dark, seductive voice. I knew he didn't mean it in that way but that's the only way to describe it.

I shook my head and ignored him, taking my usual seat.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," he said softly. I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows and tight lips. "What are you doing, Mark?" I asked him sternly. "Why are you sitting with me?"

"If you have such a problem with it, why don't you just sit somewhere else?" He retorted.
I rolled my eyes and reached down to get my backpack but felt him grab my arm before I could.

Without thinking, I threw my arm back, ridding my shoulder of his hand. "Don't fucking touch me asshole!" I shouted louder than I meant to.

"Ethan!" Our teacher replied as Mark threw his hands up in mock innocence with an amused smirk on his face. "Out."

"Dammit!" I yelled, standing up as I yet again felt tears form. I fucking hate this school and I fucking hate my life and I fucking hate Mark. I hate him so fucking much.

I waited to wipe my face until I was out of the classroom, hoping my tears weren't very noticeable. I guess today is just not my day.

After getting sent out of class I decided to just leave school. I was only supposed to report to the dean and then get sent back to class, but I'm tired of this bullshit. I need today to be over.

As soon as I was about to leave school grounds, I realized that I had absolutely no way to get home and no money for the bat bus. There's still no way I'm going back into that school, so I decided to just sit outside and sketch a bit. I sat underneath a tree pretty far from the school but still on campus, and drew the scene in front of me.

About an hour later, some students began to come outside and so I packed up my stuff and got ready to catch the school bus, but checked the time and realized there was still another hour left of school. This is just some P.E. Class.
With a huff of disappointment, I reopened my sketch book and put some finishing touches to my still life drawing of the school. 'Not too bad,' I thought while flipping the page.
Without anything specific to occupy my attention, my thoughts wandered back to Mark. What a prick.

The only way I knew how to deal with my anger for him in a healthy way was to draw him. It sounds stupid, but it made me feel like I was more powerful than him for once. In my drawings I controlled the clothes he wore, the way he was standing, his facial expression, any detail you could think of was under my control. It's just nice to pretend for a little while.

I looked up and scanned the crowd of people in search for him. Unsurprisingly, he was there.

They were playing soccer and I watched as his hair bounced up and down as he smiled and ran while passing the ball to his teammate. He seemed so proud of himself and his team.

He's so conventionally attractive; it's such a shame that he's such a dick.

I began to sketch the base of his body, studying him carefully. I didn't need to, like I said, I draw him all the time, but you can never get enough practice.

I took note of the shoes he was wearing. Plain white Nike's. I made them green. I made him wear jeans instead of basketball shorts and a t shirt instead of his wife beater. The only thing I kept the same is his hair. I always kept that the same.

My drawing was a little more than halfway done when the class went inside.

I checked my phone and there was 5 minutes until the last bell.

I decided to get a head start and get my favorite seat, the one in the very back. I know that being back here would make it easier for Marks friends to bully me, but I didn't like the feeling of having anyone sit behind me. It ironically felt safer this way.

Mark wasn't on this bus. He lives in a different part of town. His friends aren't as bad but they aren't exactly kind either. I just plugged in my headphones, listened to some alt bops, and closed my eyes for a little while before the verbal abuse would inevitably begin.

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. Nothing out of the norm. I got home, talked to Riley for a bit, played some games, and went to sleep.

The next day was a bit more unusual though.

Mark didn't bother me at all. He walked by Riley and I before first period and didn't even look our way.

Her and I shared a confused look, but continued our conversation.

Apart from a single glare at lunch, he left me alone the entire day.

As I walked to the bus, I saw him strolling to the field with his friends. His arm was around a smaller boy who's still larger than me while another friend patted the small boy on the back. It looked like they were comforting him. He looked gentle, yet still charmingly happy. For the first time, I found him handsome. Not in an 'oh yeah I can see why other people would think he's cute' or in a 'I recognize that he has attractive features' way. I genuinely found him handsome. And I hated myself for it.

A/N: this is a really short chapter I'm sorry :/
1032 words
I have big plans for this fic I promise, I just needed to get some things out there so you could learn more about the characters.
Oki have a nice day bb

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