Chapter 31***

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Riley and Seán took the front seats of the car leaving Mark and I in the back. That was just as awkward as one would expect. Inauthentic polite smiles, both of us speaking only when spoken to, and Riley attempting to be the force that pulls us back together.

"So what movie are we seeing?" I asked. Seán was about to answer, but Riley hit his arm. She wanted Mark to answer my question so he and I would talk to each other. Mark seemed to get the hint.

"Uh, the new avengers movie," he said. He sounded nervous, as if he didn't want to mess up. He sounded like he cared.

"Oh okay," I responded, attempting to match his energy.

Mark looked my way and we made eye contact for the first time. I felt my stomach drop a little bit when his eyes met mine. "I didn't know you were coming today."

"Neither did I," I responded quickly with a nervous chuckle. "Riley asked me to join last minute. Sorry."

He furrowed his eyebrows and turned his body a bit more towards me, a simple action that felt so endearing. "No don't apologize," he said. His voice was smooth and genuine. "I've missed hanging out with you."

The way my chest felt in that moment was difficult to describe. It was the feeling you get when your crush asks you out or you kiss someone you've wanted to for a while. The feeling you get when someone puts their head on your shoulder and all you can do is freeze because you don't want them to think you're uncomfortable. It was a feeling that should have been pleasant, but in reality was terrifying.

"Thanks," I simply said. I looked down at my hands and back out of the window.

I was sitting behind Riley in the passenger seat so I caught a glimpse of her smirk in the rear view mirror. I'm glad at least one of us finds this entertaining.

I took out my phone and sent her a quick "hate you." Text to which she responded with a "😘" emoji.

Mark and I didn't speak for the rest of the car ride.

When we arrived at the movie theater, it wasn't surprising when Riley insisted on the seating arrangement landing Mark and I right next to each other, but it was still pretty awkward.

Despite the uncomfortableness of this situation, Mark and I both knew better than to question the queen. He took the isle seat, and I the one in between him and Riley.

It was strange at first, but it wasn't too long until we both forgot about each other's presence and engrossed ourselves into the movie.

Every time a funny part showed up on screen, I caught myself glancing over at him. I didn't mean to, but I didn't even realize I was doing it until it was too late. When it happened again, Mark was already looking at me.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I didn't mean to stare."

He just smirked in return, resting his hand on my thigh and rubbing small circles.

"That okay?" He whispered sweetly, motioning his eyes to his hand on top of me. I nodded and accidentally sank lower. I wasn't even thinking, but my body took the lead and guided Mark's hand to my crotch.

"Woah," he whispered, surprised and amused. "You want something?"

I nodded eagerly, feeling like a background character in my own body as my instincts took over.

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "I knew you'd need more, but I didn't think so soon." I could feel his hot breath against my face as he spoke.

Glancing over his shoulder, I saw that Riley and Seán were both completely concentrated on the movie. They wouldn't even notice if I leaned in and kissed him, so that's exactly what I did.

Once my lips were only inches away from his, he backed away teasingly and left the movie theater entirely. So he wants to be a tease huh? Well two can play at that game.

I waited a bit to see if our friends would notice his absence and when they didn't, I followed behind him.

We waisted no time getting down to business inside of the far right stall. No prep, no condom, no proper lube.

"Sh sh sh," he whispered into my ear, pushing the head of his dick inside of me slowly. "I know." I couldn't help but bite down on his shoulder to keep myself from making any noise. I can't believe we're doing this.

Mark's breath was slow and calm as he finally bottomed out inside of me with my legs around his waist. As he lifted me up, causing his dick to slide out of me partially, our eyes locked. His gaze was just like it was the other day; primitive, wild, terrifying, and so fucking sexy.

My hands went from gripping both of his shoulders to placed flat on the tiled wall that pressed against my back.

Mark buried his head into my chest and neck, breathing heavily as he properly began to fuck me.

I didn't think that Mark cared about how it felt for me. I mean, that wasn't an issue because whenever we have sex it feels amazing for both of us. Our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. So when he said "I wanna make you cum," you could imagine my surprise.

"You always do," I whispered back, my voice shaky and uneven from being repeatedly pounded into. "You always make me cum so hard"

"Shh," he whispered. I guess speaking made it more difficult to hold in the other pleasure filled noises that I was tempted to make.

"I'm trying to be quiet," I whispered as softly as I could. "But it's hard when you fuck me so good."

I accidentally let out a soft moan, but Mark didn't correct me. I could feel myself about to moan again, but the bathroom door opened and Marks hand covered my mouth. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands gripping onto the wall as best as they could were all that was supporting me, as Marks free hand was jerking me off.

He looked at me sternly through his eyebrows, telling me 'if you make any noise I will fucking kill you'. I just nodded quickly with fear.

He slowly released his hand from my mouth and slowed his thrusts until I was basically just cock warming him.

It felt like forever until the dude finally left, but as soon as we heard the door close behind him, mark was fucking me even harder than he was before. I let out a choked gasp to which he growled in return. "Shut up," he commanded.

When he speaks like this I never know how to feel about it at first, but when I obliged and he told me what a "good boy" I was, I was certain that I loved it.

Ribbons of white started leaking out of my cock and onto Marks shirt. I tried to lift it up to avoid anymore mess which just led to me cumming harder, getting a nice view of his strained abs.

He took his shirt out of my hands using his teeth and thrusted into me hard a few more times before finishing inside of me.

I'd never forget that image of him. I made a mental note to draw it later.

We can't keep doing this.

A/N: I just realized I've been forgetting to put the word count WHOOPS. Not that anyone really pays attention to that anyways XD 1273 words

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