Chapter 32

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By the time Mark and I came back, Riley and Seán had noticed our absence.

"Where have you guys been?" She whispered. I was relieved to see that she hadn't made the connection, but I didn't know what to say.

"We were just talking," Mark chimed in. He was a good liar. I'd have believed him by his calm demeanor and the way his voice sounded.

Mark and I didn't talk for the rest of the day. The atmosphere was awkward and Riley and Seán carried any conversation that we had.

It somehow seemed like we were even further apart than we were two hours ago on the drive to the cinema which I didn't even think was possible.

While it's happening, I adored the way he looked at me, the way he used my body and acted so primitive and ravenous; but when it's over, I just feel disgusting. I feel like the way he looked at me resembled how he truly feels. I love the sex, but I miss when I was more than just an object.

So the next time it happens, I am going to make damn sure that he knows who I am.

The next morning I felt bold. I woke up in a good mood and he was the first thing on my mind, like always. I opened up his contact and hesitated. It's literally like 6 AM and I'm gonna have to see him at school... but fuck it.

Me: Hey Mark. Lowkey can't stop thinking about you. Miss ya ;)

I got ready for school and found myself checking to see if he responded every 5 minutes. On the fourth time I checked, I didn't get a response, but i did get a "read" symbol underneath my message. Oh god I shouldn't have sent that.

I met up at my locker with Riley as usual at the end of the day and explained to her my mistake. As soon as I finished telling her about the text I sent this morning, I realized how out of context that was considering she doesn't know I've been screwing Amy Nelson's boyfriend.

"You gotta stop hooking up with him, Eth," she said casually.

My eyes went wide and I was about to ask her how she knew, but she read my mind.

"The movie theater, the hickeys... come on man, at least try and fool me," she giggled. How did I genuinely think I'd be able to keep this secret from her. 'Wait,' I thought to myself. 'The hickeys?!'

I pulled out my phone camera and looked at my neck. There were a few love bites, but nothing that my black sweatshirt wouldn't cover.

In the camera I could see Mark and Amy and Seán at the very end of the crowded hallway. Mark gave her a kiss on the cheek and they parted ways. Oh god, he's coming this way.

"Be cool," I said to Riley.

"I'm always cool," she said with a playful smirk. "Do you know who you're talking to?"

I couldn't help but giggle at her remark. "I literally hate you," I said.

"Hey," she chimed politely, waving to Mark and patting my shoulder before walking off.

"Hi Mark," I said timidly.

"Hey," he said in return. His tone was off. He seemed distant and disinterested, but I tried to brush it off before he said the three dreaded words that's bound to make anyone's heart drop.

"We should talk."

"Yeah okay," I said, nodding my head and searching his expression for any clues about what could be going on. "Are you busy? We could go back to mine and- oh"

Mark cut me off with a hug. He's never been any kind of affectionate with me in school. What's going on?

I just placed my hands lightly on his back as he  hunched over and buried his head in the crook of my neck.

"Are you okay?" I asked, very confused.

I could feel Mark breathe me in and exhale, pulling away reluctantly. His eyes were watery.

"Yep," he said, patting my shoulder just like Riley had a few minutes ago. "I'm fine, but uh..."

I got worried as he trailed off. Did something happen? Did somebody hurt him- did I hurt him? Hundreds of scenarios of what could be upsetting him ran through my head, but none of the scenarios involved what he said next.

"We should stop doing what we're doing."

Ah. That.

I tried to hide my frown, but couldn't. I mean he's right. We should. We shouldn't have started hooking up again in the first place. This whole thing was dumb and our ending was inevitable, but I still have hope. I mean, how long is it gonna be until he texts me, telling me he misses me and wants to fuck me? A month? I can live with a month.

I just don't feel like it's the end for us yet.

"I understand," I said softly. I leaned in for a quick hug and snuck in a tiny, quiet kiss on the cheek that no passer-byers would sense. "I'll see you around," I said with a forced small smile. He just nodded in return, walking by me and not looking back.

'It doesn't even matter,' I told myself, opening my locker and packing my bag to go home. 'This isn't the end.'

A/N: 898 words ^-^
How are you, my loves?
I really miss Ethan :/ but his occasional tweets just dropping in and letting us know he's good is making my heart MELT I love him so much.

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