Chapter 7

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A/N: I uploaded three days in a row?! I'm on a roll baby. Enjoy xx

After changing into Mark's clothes, I looked at myself in the tall mirror in his bedroom. The cold cotton against my skin felt absolutely heavenly, but I'm not sure if that's because the clothes are comfy or the clothes are his, but either way, I loved it. He was right, the pants and shirt was kind of big on me, but it made me feel small and cute. I looked good in his clothes.

I took a mirror selfie and sent it to Riley.

Me: Riley you would never fucking believe where I am right now...

Riley: Ethan.. you're not... are you?

I found some simple apple headphones on Mark's nightstand and FaceTimed Riley. She answered immidiately.

"Ethan where are you right now?" She asked, wide eyed.

I tapped my headphones to tell her that I can't speak, but I was listening.

"Oh," she said, beginning to speak again before cutting herself off with another, more flirty "oh". I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

"Who's bedroom are you in?" She asked. "Marks?"

I nodded, a surprised expression on my face.

"What the fuck?!" She whisper shouted. "Why?! Are you okay?"

I nodded again smiling. I sat back down on the bed next to Chica, and pointed the camera at her.

"Devil spawn has a dog?!" She asked, shocked, causing me to laugh again. "Should I call animal control? Do you think he hurts her too?"

"No," I whispered into the microphone. "She adores him."

"What the fuck even happened? I'm so confused," she said, biting her thumb in anticipation.

I just shrugged my shoulders and opened up our text messages.

Me: The story is too long to type and I can't really talk right now but I promise I'll tell you everything. Basically, I hurt my ankle and didn't have a way to get home so he took me in. Now I'm wearing his clothes, laying in his bed, and petting his dog while he sleeps on the couch.

Riley gasped as she read my message, saying "what the fuck?" Out loud in response. "Why is he being so nice?"

Me: I don't know but one thing is for sure. Any hope of my crush on him going away anytime soon is gone. Okay. I'm gonna go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

"Okay, Ethan," she said sweetly. "Is there a lock on the bedroom door?" She asked.

I got up and checked. There was one. I nodded to the camera and she instructed me to lock it. I suppose it wasn't a bad idea so I did as I was told and waved goodnight to her.

I felt a lot safer with the door locked. I felt like I could finally take in this moment and wrap my head around things and relax.

Before going to sleep, I decided to look around his room a bit. I wasn't snooping; no opening drawers and digging through his closet, I was just looking at the posters on his bedroom walls and the trinkets on his dresser.

There was a poster with a hand holding up a trumpet and creatures in the background. The wording on it said "here comes the mummies".

I read somewhere that you can find out a lot about someone by listening to the music they like and washing in their shower and simple stuff like that, so naturally, with Mark's headphones still in, I hit shuffle on one of their albums.

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