Chapter 13

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A/N: Haii. So I had to look back a few chapters, but I put Mark and Ethan's class schedules up there ^^^ just to make life a lil easier :)) enjoy!

Walking into school on Monday felt other worldly. I didn't feel popular like Mark, Seán, and the others, but I didn't feel like an emo freak faggot either. It felt almost as if it was my first day at a new school. The most important guy in school and I hung out all weekend and he promised he wouldn't hurt me anymore.

As always, I met up with Riley by the lockers before first period.

"Ethan we kissed!" She whisper shouted, pulling me in close so only her and I could hear, as if anyone else would care enough to listen.

"What?!" I said, matching her tone. "Riles, that's amazing. How was it."

She started to blush, something I've literally never seen in the handful of years that I've known her. "It was perfect. He invited me back to his place after the movies and we ordered Chinese and ate and watched Netflix and then we just started talking and he kissed me! Ethan, he freaking kissed me!"

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at the story. I was so happy for her. My best friend just had her first kiss!

"How long did it last?" I inquired.

"That's the best part," she said with a smirk. Oh? My excitement and happiness for her faded as I started to get nervous. What if he was just using her for sex and had no plans to keep her? Not only would that destroy her, but, not to be selfish, that'd probably ruin me and Mark's friendship too.

"6 seconds tops, 4 minimal" she said, folding her arms in front of her and leaning against the locker. "Long enough to know that he was into it, short enough to know that he meant it."

I was about to congratulate her once more and ask for more details, but I noticed two very familiar people rounding the corner of the hallway heading in our direction.

I quickly and discreetly tapped Rileys side. "They're coming," I whispered. "Be cool."

She looked panicked for a second but then just started laughing which confused me, causing me to giggle in return. "What are you doing, you weirdo?" I asked.

"You said be cool!" She whispered through a fit of fake laughter.

"That's not cool," I shouted a little too loud with a laugh.

"You're so funny, Ethan!" She said, punching my arm. They were getting really close so I just looked at Seán and shook my head with a smile.

"Come deal with this," I told him, jokingly.

As the two began to talk and laugh, for real this time, I smiled at Mark who stood awkwardly behind Seán.

Mark was wearing a plain red t shirt and gray sweatpants. He gave me a tight lipped, small, not genuine smile and stuck his hands in his pockets looking at the floor. I opened my mouth to ask him how he is when he cut me off before I could start.

"I gotta get to class," he said to Seán, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. I tried waving goodbye to him, but he looked down as he walked away.

I couldn't help but worry for him. Did something happen? Is he okay?

I frowned as he walked away. Seán and Riley didn't seem to notice his timid behavior, but I did. I contemplated trying to find him and talk to him to ask what's wrong, but he seemed to really want to be alone right now and I decided to try my best to respect that.

I couldn't stop thinking about his during class. I'm worried. Like- really really worried. What if something happened? I decided to text him on Instagram.

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