Chapter 6

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A/N three days in a row? That's fuckin poggers dude. Enjoy :) (if the end of this is written badly I'm so sorry I'm baked)

"Alright," Mark said, helping me walk towards the door. "You good to go?"

"Yeah," I said, just trying to get away from him as soon as possible. I was liking this way too much.

Mark nodded and began to walk away. I walked towards my bike and realized that I had absolutely no way to get home. There's no way I can ride my bike.

In a moment of panic, I did the only thing I could think of. I called out to Mark.

"Yeah?" He asked, turning around. He was about 20 feet away by now, but he began walking back toward me.

"Um," I started. I have absolutely no clue how to even bring this up or what I even expected him to do about it. "I rode my bike here."

"Okay...?" He questioned, forgetting about my ankle. "Oh!" he exclaimed once he remembered.

"Yeah," I said nervously rubbing my neck.

"Where do you live?" He asked casually. I was afraid to tell him in case he decided to come to my house with his friends some day and hurt me. He must have noticed my panicked state because he rolled his eyes and began to walk away.

"I live on park street," I called out. He turned back around.

"Shit," he whispered under his breath. "That's across town.

I nodded weakly. I didn't want to say anymore than I had to.

"Do you have money for a taxi?" he asked. I'd give anything in the world to be able to say that I did. I shook my head no. I do have a small crush on Mark, but I just want to be in my bed right now.

Mark let out another huff of air before walking towards me and crouching down facing away from me. "Get on," he commanded.

"What?" I asked, very confused. "No. What are you talking about."

"Ethan you have no where to stay and you can't walk. Get on my back." He sounded annoyed and for the first time tonight I felt afraid of him again.

Out of fear, I obliged. He was wearing his letterman jacket and it smelled amazing. I've never been this close to him before.

"Where are we going?" I asked timidly.

"To my place," he said nonchalantly, as if it were a normal occurrence.

"What?!" I said quickly, pushing myself off of him and onto the ground. The shock from his words distracted me of my pain, but I fell anyways. "No we aren't."

"Ethan I can't walk you all the way across town and I live a few streets away," he said. He sounded angry, yet sympathetic at the same time. "I don't have any money for a taxi for you, I get paid on Wednesdays."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. All of the fear and shock and pain I felt turned into anger. I didn't mean to let it show, but I definitely did. "You fucking beat me up in school, call me a faggot, make me wanna fucking die, and now this?!" I wish I'd stopped there, but I didn't. "What did I ever do to you?" I started crying at this point. "Why are you doing this? Is this a trick? Because trust me Mark, you've got me. You can stop now it's really funny, call off your little buddies and tell them the jokes over."

Mark looked hurt. I hurt him. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that he looked guilty. Like he felt bad.

I turned around and started walking into the direction of my house at once, but didn't get very far before Mark picked me up and hoisted me up on his shoulder.

Would You Run? Crankiplier high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now