Chapter 20

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A/N: heyo ^-^ sorry it took so long. I've been busy, but I'm happy I finally got time to write.

It was the middle of third period and Mark was currently kissing my neck in the handicapped bathroom stall as I tried not to moan. God it felt amazing. I don't know whether it was the fact that he was experienced and knew what he was doing that made me feel so good or the simple fact that 'holy shit Mark Fishbach is skipping class to make out with me right now'.

Our suspension starts tomorrow because Mrs.Johnson had to explain to the principal what had happened and that usually took about a day.

"Mark," I whispered. He licked from my neck to right beneath my earlobe and quietly shushed me.

When I got the text from Mark in second period asking to skip third with me, I was hoping for something like this to happen, but I certainly didn't expect it. I hadn't even told Riley about any of this yet.

When he started kissing me again, he pressed his dick up against mine, causing my mouth to hang open and my eyes to close. Fuck. Even though all we were doing was dry humping each other, it felt amazing. I'd never gone this far with anyone else before.

I couldn't help but apply the same amount of pressure back in return. "That feels nice," I whispered to him.

"Yeah you like that?" He asked. The way his voiced deepened was intoxicating. I don't think I've ever been more hard in my life.

I nodded quickly before I rested my forehead on his shoulder and nuzzled into his chest so I could just take a breath. We both continued to move our hips and pleasure each other, but Marks hand began to trail down from where it rested on my waist to my crotch and I froze.

I think Mark felt me tense up because he stopped kissing me for a second and asked quietly if what he was doing was okay. When I didn't answer he stopped touching me and moved his hand back to my waist. He looked me in the eyes and his sexual demeanor changed immediately.

"Are you okay, Ethan? What do you need? What can I do?"

He got so worried. In reality, everything was fine, I was just a little hesitant and nervous because I've never done this before, but he doesn't know that yet.

I just smiled at him in return. He looked so soft in this moment. Right now he looks like how he did when he scooped Chica out of his bed for me and when he's sleeping.

I kissed his lips quickly and turned to unlock the stall. It didn't seem like it, but I'd been paying attention to whether or not other people were coming in and I knew that we were alone.

"Are you busy?" He asked me as we left the bathroom together, but not before checking to see if anyone would see us in the halls. He sounded so casual when he asked me; something I'm not yet used to.

I shook my head no with a smile.

"Okay cool," he said while looking straight ahead. "Cause I'm kind of in the mood to fuck shit up.

I had no idea what that meant, but when we got home and Mark was busting out two dance dance revolution mats, I think I sort of had a clue.

"Why do you even have this?" I said. My laughter was strong and loud as Mark kept saying "what?!" and pretending like there wasn't anything funny about this situation.

Once the mats covered in arrows were all set up, we were brought to the song selection page. It was a tough call between Dj got us falling in love by Usher and ain't no mountain high enough. We decided on the first one.

When the song first started, Mark was precise and seemed focused on winning, but once that first chorus hit, Mark was all over the place. I stepped on the arrows strategically and perfectly in time as Mark spun around and jumped wherever he wanted, causing me to laugh as the red Xs appeared under his name with every move he missed.

"Come on Ethan!" He shouted playfully. "You gotta dance!"

I couldn't stop laughing long enough to respond coherently.

"Mark no you're getting it wrong!" I said through laughs.

He responded by getting back on track for a second, long enough for the screen to catch up and reward him with green check marks as he said "I have no clue what you're talking about."

When he spun around again, he accidentally stepped on one of my arrows, ruining my almost perfect score.

"Mark!" I shouted. "Go on your own mat!"

I could see a smile form on his face in my peripheral vision. Oh God.

He got off of his mat completely and started stepping on mine so he could purposefully mess me up.

"Mark, stop," I yelled through laughter. He went in front of me and blocked the screen while still stepping all over my mat. I put my hands on top of his shoulders and pushed myself up so I could try and see the screen behind him. He isn't taller than me by much, but enough to effectively block my vision.

"I fucking hate you," I giggled. I was almost able to get fully back on track, but once Mark realized I was doing well again, it was game over.

He scooped me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling.

"Pay attention to me," he whined while laying me on his bed.

"You're the one who wanted to play!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, Mark was on top of me. He kissed me passionately and I shut up immediately. It's only been an hour or two since we'd last kissed, but it felt like days.

He was sweaty from actually putting effort into his "dancing" but I didn't mind that at all. I found it attractive.

"Is this okay?" He asked, beginning to softly grind against me.

I nodded my head quickly and without hesitation. It felt even better than it did earlier today in the bathroom.

"Ethan," he asked, kissing me softly and backing away to look me in the eyes. He was still grinding on me slowly as he spoke. "can I blow you?"

A/N: 1097 words
... so yeah. Hey.
I finished this update tonight in hopes that my friend already fell asleep and won't get to read it until tomorrow cause I'm evil >:)
Goodnight everyone!! :3

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