Chapter 29***

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As soon as I was in Mark's house, his lips were on mine. He closed the front door behind me and pushed me up against it.

Before I had time to even comprehend what was happening, he was grinding against my thigh and I could feel how hard he was.

"God I've missed you so much," he whispered hungrily against my lips. "It's been so long."

I couldn't say anything in return. I'm not sure why, but all I could do was watch him in awe. When I snapped out of my trance, he began kissing my neck and leaving love bites and bruises anywhere he could. Not making eye contact with him helped me think clearly, even if only for a few seconds.

"I think we should talk," I mumbled quietly. I knew that having sex wasn't smart and that he and I needed to have a conversation, but it was so difficult to put a stop to this when it felt so fucking good.

Mark sighed against the crook of my neck and whispered "we can talk later. I need you now."

I shouldn't have, I know I shouldn't have. I should have insisted that we spoke now and he shouldn't cheat on Amy, but the way his voice sounded and his body felt pressed against mine was just too much. I felt too deprived to fight against temptation.

He bit down on my shoulder, not too gently and not too hard, something he's never done before. I gasped out and almost pushed him awake, but when my hands found his shoulders and he returned to just kissing the area, I realized how much I liked it.

"Whoa what was that?" I asked with a small chuckle which was cut off by a soft moan.

Mark didn't answer. He just kept kissing me and grazing his teeth against my skin every once in a while, teasing me, making sure I didn't know when he would bite me again.

"You left me," he said blankly, wrapping his hand around my throat. For a second, when I closed my eyes, it felt like it did at the beginning of the year. For a second, I was at my locker and Mark was choking me while calling me a worthless faggot instead of kissing my neck. And somehow, that turned me on even more.

He backed away slightly, looking into my eyes. He looked so serious that I was almost afraid.

"Don't you ever fucking leave me again," he said. At the word 'ever' his grip tightened and his eyebrows furrowed. "You hear me?"

I swallowed hard and nodded. He's never acted like this before and I was loving it.

"Say it," he commanded, tightening his grip even more. It soon became hard to breathe so instinctually, I wrapped my hands around his wrist and tugged at it. Luckily, he got the hint and loosened his grip slightly, but took my wrists and pinned them against the door above my head. I don't think I've ever been so hard before.

"Fucking say it," he shouted. His voice was deep and stern and sexier than ever.

"I won't leave you," I told him. I could feel my adam's apple bob in my throat as I spoke due to Marks hand being in the way.

He let go of my neck, but kept my hands pinned where they were. After a second longer of staring into my eyes with a smirk, he returned to kissing my jawline.

"Say: I won't ever leave you, daddy," he mumbled hungrily.

I didn't hesitate to oblige. "I won't ever leave you daddy." It sounded strange coming from my mouth, but Mark seemed to like it.

He sighed with pleasure in response, returning his thigh to my crotch, letting me relieve myself and rut against it.

"Good," he said gruffly. "Good."

He backed away and looked me in my eyes, leaving his thigh between my legs so I could keep pleasuring myself.

"Cause I won't hesitate to tie you down and take what's mine," he growled. "In fact, I just might have to."

The rest was kind of a blur. I remember bits and pieces. Ironically, what I remember most vividly is me telling myself not to forget this.

That and the marks left on my wrists from how tightly he bound them together.

That and the look in his eyes when I begged to feel him inside of me. It had been too long.

That and the way he existed with me so genuinely in that moment.

It was a mess of sweat and lust and tangled limbs. Obscenities rolled off of my tongue followed by his name.

"Yes fuck, please, Mark," I moaned. He was animalistic and starving. I've never heard him make these noises before and it turned me on beyond belief. His breathing was heavy and each thrust was accompanied by a groan. He squeezed my thighs so tightly that it hurt, but he wasn't doing it on purpose. I felt like his prey, but at the same time, in some twisted way, I felt so loved.

"It hurts," I squeaked out as he pounded into me harder. "Please."

"Good," he groaned, but I know he didn't mean it because he started being more gentle after I'd complained. "Maybe if I hurt you bad enough you'll learn to stay."

That sentence rang through my head a few times before I made my next move.

"Then hurt me."

As I orgasmed that night, every emotion I've ever felt towards him came rushing back and I don't know why, but that made it feel 10 times better.

It was the best sex we've ever had.

A/N: so uh yeah. I tried not to make it too smutty for those of you who didn't want that :) the next chapter is more than halfway done <33

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