Chapter 21**

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to shrek and my friend Pebbles.
Twice in one day bb B)

When I say that Mark's question caught me off guard, I mean that MARKS QUESTION CAUGHT ME THE FUCK OFF GAURD.

"I- what?" I stuttered. The nerves I felt running through my body made my dick start to get hard instantly, but I was kind of terrified.

"Don't be afraid to say no," Mark said. He stroked my cheek with his thumb as he spoke. For the first time during a moment like this, he didn't look driven by lust and hormones. He looked so loving and gentle. I don't think I could say no to this even if I tried.

My throat felt dry as I answered. "You can," I said quickly. "I- I mean if you like, want to. Could I have some water?"

I cleared my throat and sat up. Why was it so hot in here all of a sudden?

"Yeah, of course, I'll be right back," Mark said while getting off the bed and making his way to the door.

As soon as he was out of sight, I whipped out my phone and texted Riley.

Me: Riley pls don't respond because I don't want him to see that I'm texting you rn but Mark is about to suck my fucking dick.

Ignoring my request, she texted back immediately

Riley: I-

Riley: SIR

Riley: W H A T

When I heard Mark start to walk up the stairs again, I powered off my phone completely to avoid the buzzing sounds that would come from Riley's texts.

Mark handed me the water and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Listen, Ethan," he started. "If this is going too fast, just let me know."

I listened to his words as he spoke, but my mind was already made up. This is happening.

"I mean, I've never done this before so I doubt it'll be all that great, but I don't want you to feel-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the water in the glass he gave me was gone and I'd set it on his nightstand. I pulled him in for a kiss, my lips still wet from the drink.

My fists found their way to his shirt. What was once an innocent kiss turned into this. This messy, hot, intense, passionate entanglement of lips and tongue, begging to meet the others.

His handed rested against my cheek and the other on the back of my head as he slowly laid us down so I was beneath him. The transition was so smooth that I wouldn't have even noticed the change in position if I wasn't so hyper aware of everything right now.

After a few more seconds of kissing, Mark sat up, his legs on either side of my waist, straddling me, as he took off his shirt.

His body looked just like I'd remembered, if not better. I couldn't help but stare. He had a surgery scar that resembled a faint abdominal line and muscular arms that supported his weight when he leaned back down and propped himself up above me.

"You're so perfect," I whispered to him. I'm not even sure if I meant to, but it made him smile.

"Can I take this off?" He asked softly, toying with the hem of my t shirt.

I nodded my head and gave a small "mhm" while sitting up a bit so he could take it off.

When I laid back down, his lips instantly found my neck and trailed down to my collar bones, my chest, and my stomach. He hesitated before going any lower which I found endearing.

This experience felt like it was straight out of a movie, yet so real and nothing like I'd have expected at all.

"Keep going," I said quietly. Him and I were home alone, but it still felt right to whisper.

Mark started untying my sweat pants. "You're sure?" He asked.

I nodded, biting my lip, but he could see that I was still nervous. Who wouldn't be?

When he finished untying them, instead of bringing them down further, he experimentally touched me through my pants. I'd never been touched by anyone other than myself and holy shit it felt amazing. I was afraid I was gonna cum before I'd ever feel his lips on me.

He smiled at my reaction. I hadn't noticed it, but my mouth was hung open a bit and I was staring at him in awe. If there was ever a doubt in my mind that this man wasn't the most attractive one on the planet, it's long gone now.

"Is that nice?" He asked, applying more pressure.

"Fuck yes," I said. I didn't have to think about what to say anymore. It all just happened. "I wanna feel you suck me off."

Mark lowered his mouth to my still clothed crotch and kissed my dick. I thrusted up and down a little, rubbing myself against his mouth, but that didn't last for long.

He pulled down both my sweatpants and boxers in one movement and just looked at my dick for a second, making me a little insecure.

"Mark," I said softly. I was beginning to get embarrassed. No ones ever seen me like this before.

He glanced up at me and blinked quickly as if he were coming out of a daze. "Sorry," he said. "I'd just never seen one in person before besides mine."

He maintained eye contact with me as he slowly began to jerk me off, easing me back into my state of relaxation that I was in before.

As he sped up his movements, my head fell back against his pillow and I let out a groan. "That's good," I said, praising him. I knew that this was his first time ever touching another guy like this and I wanted to let him know that he's doing well.

"What about this?" He asked. I picked my head back up and looked down at him.

Right as I looked at him, his lips wrapped around the head of my cock and my eyes widened a bit. Fucking hell.

"Oh my god," I moaned. He lowered his head further onto me and I felt his tongue on the underside of my dick. He couldn't go down very far, but this was more than enough for me.

After a few bobs of his head, he pulled off and started to jerk me off.

"Am I doing okay?" He asked hopefully.

"Fuck Mark," I said through heavy breaths. "You're doing amazing. You wanna try sucking? I wanna see what it feels like."

Mark nodded his head and took me back into his mouth. He continued what he was doing for a few more strokes, but then hollowed out his cheeks and sucked. He only did this 6 more times before I unexpectedly came.

"Fuck," I moaned. My seed filled his mouth and he almost pulled away, but kept going, not wanting to ruin my orgasm.

"I'm sorry," I said, thrusting up into his mouth gently. "I didn't feel it coming."

He stopped sucking and I just rode out my orgasm by using his mouth for a few more seconds. When I stopped moving my hips, he took that as his cue that he could stop.

Seeing my cum drip down his chin was almost enough to make me hard again. He went over to his trash can and spit it out.

"Wow," I said, breathlessly. Mark grabbed a drink from his fridge, took a sip, swished it around in his mouth, and spit it into his trash can before answering.

"I did good?" He asked.

He took a proper sip of his drink and sat down next to me, throwing a blanket over me. I pulled him down beside me and snuggled into the crook of his neck.

"You did so good."

A/N: 1314 words

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