Chapter 12*

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A/N slight smut in this one gamers. Kinda. Ish. Okay yeah not really.

I slept with the door unlocked that night. I was in Mark's bed again, this time without Chica, and I couldn't sleep. It sounds so stupid to admit, but I couldn't get my mind off how his face looked when I pulled him close earlier today as if I were gonna kiss him, but then just inhaled the smoke he gave me. He looked surprised, but he didn't pull away. I think I could have kissed him. I mean I'm glad I didn't, but he didn't look like he was going to reject me.

Thinking vividly about what happened earlier tonight made start to get horny. I'd like to blame it on the weed, but I know that it's mostly him.

I tried to ignore it for as long as I could, closing my eyes and snuggling up in attempt to get some sleep.

When it felt like an hour had passed and I was still wide awake, I decided to just go on my phone. I played pointless games for a bit to try and distract myself, but every breath I took smelled like Mark and every time I moved even the tiniest bit, I was reminded that I was laying in his bed.

Closing the game, I opened a private tab in the browser on my phone and found a very frequently visited website.

I rubbed myself through Mark's sweatpants to get myself hard, which didn't take much time at all.
With my dick still in my pants, I searched around for a video I might like.
I searched for maybe 5 whole minutes and still couldn't find one that could get me off like the thought of Mark could, so after closing my phone and tossing it on the bed next to me, I took out my dick and began to stroke myself while thinking of the way he looks while undressing and how his face felt beneath my finger tips. (A/N I SUCK AT NOT WRITING RUN ON SENTENCES IM SORRY)
The feeling of Mark's soft duvet brushing against the tip of my penis every so often made me need to bite my lip to hide whimpers and my heavy breathing. This was so wrong, but there's no way I could stop.
I looked around his room, trying to take in every last detail so I could hold on to this moment for as long as I could when an idea struck me.
I want to feel what he feels.
I'm laying in his bed, wearing his clothes, and the only thing thats missing is how he jerks off.
The idea excited me beyond belief. Quietly rummaging through the drawer of his bedside table, I found some lube.

I've never orgasmed so quickly in my life. 'That lube felt amazing,' I told myself, as if I didn't know deep down that the reason it felt so good is because I knew that this is what Mark did.

The next morning I carefully inspected the sheets and underside of the duvet to make absolutely sure that there wasn't a trace of me. When I was certain there wasn't, I walked downstairs.

Mark was doing dishes when I greeted him.

"Good morning," I said, pretending to be more tired than I was, as if trying to hunt down my jizz from last night hadn't already woken me.

"Morning," Mark said with a smile. "Ready to go home?"

At his words my heart dropped a little. It should have been fine. I mean, I've been here too long. I should miss my bed and I should miss Riley and I should miss the comfort of showering in my own house, but I don't. I just want to stay here with him.

"Mhm," I said with a small, fake smile.

Mark shook the water droplets off of his hands and turned off the sink. "Don't forget to say goodbye to your friend," he said with a chuckle, pointing at a sleeping Chica.

"Oh how could I forget?!" I say in my baby voice. Chica perks up and starts wagging her tail while still laying down. She rolls over into her side so I could pet her stomach. "Goodbye, Chica," I said quietly, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and walking back over to Mark after petting her for a little bit.

"So get this," Mark says, one hand on steering wheel, the other making different motions and gestures while talking. "My mom says I could have driven you home last night because she got home early, but she didn't tell me."

"Why not?" I asked with a laugh.

"No clue," he said, a wide smile appearing on his face. "But I don't mind. We had fun right?"

I looked down at my fingers. In my lap, trying to suppress the blush and smile creeping in. "Definitely," I agreed.

The car ride was the absolute shortest ride in existence. We live 20 minutes away, but I could have sworn we were here in 5 minutes tops.

When we got to my house, I wanted to tell Mark that I had an amazing weekend. The best I've had in a while. I wanted to thank him for his hospitality and kindness and every time he made me laugh over the past few days. I wanted to tell him how much I love his dog and his brother and his mom and how I would give anything to be able to do this again sometimes.

But instead I gave him a smile and a wave as I quickly thanked him before stepping out of his car and fumbling with my house keys and the lock on my front door.

A/N: probably the shortest chapter I've ever written I'm sorryyyyy ugh
Things have been so hectic lately :( I'm trying my best I promise. I've already started writing the next chapter :)
Okie ily bye xx tysm for the reads and votes and everything!!
1005 words

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