Chapter 11

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A/N: 1k BABY!!!!! Thank you so much I don't understand why but it is insanely appreciated
This chapter was co-written by Tuberzexe and they did an awesome job so go show some love!
I'm writing this chapter upside down on my best friends couch
TW: drug use (weed)

After our soccer game, Seán and Riley decided to go to the movies together. Mark and I weren't invited, but that's okay because I'm pretty sure it's a date and if Mark and I went, that'd just be awkward.

Me and Mark decided to go back to his house since we were close by and I still had no way to get back to mine yet. Plus, I should get to know him more. He's full of surprises and so far, I just can't seem to get enough.

When Mark and I arrived at his house, he took off Chicas leash and she went to go lay down. I smiled gently as i watched her and looked at him "So what should we do?" i ask him and he smiles "Wanna play some games in my room. I have two controllers and I'm pretty sure i have some multi-player games but you have to promise not to suck."

I roll my eyes with a smile "I won't suck, I promise," I say walking up the stairs that lead to his room with him.

I sat on the velvety brown love seat in his bedroom while he turned on the console, its hard to think how just a few weeks ago he was beating me in the halls and I was terrified of him, but now I'm sitting in his room about to play video games. I hadn't noticed but I had spaced out and mark was trying to get my attention.

"Helloooo? Earth to Ethan?" he looks at me waving his hands exaggeratedly and I look at him blinking a few times "Oh sorry I got lost in thought. What games do you have?" I go over to him and he gives me the selection.

I look through the games recognizing some games like Mario Kart, Sonic and other big brand names. I pick Mario Party and hand it to him "Were having a two guy party," I giggle and he chuckles rolling his eyes.

"Sounds boring." he responds and puts in the game giving me a controller and I go to sit back on the bed.

"Yeah that's cause you've never played with me," I retorted with a smirk.

He raised an eyebrow in my direction and smiled in return. "Confidence looks good on you," he said, leaning back on the small love seat and spreading his legs a little further apart, getting comfortable.

The compliment made my body go stiff for a moment, taken aback with surprise.

"Thank you," I said, trying my best to sound normal.

I looked down and fidgeted with the joystick for a moment while I tried to recover from my fluster.

After playing games for an almost embarrassingly long time, I watched the sun begin to set out of the corner of my eye as an idea struck me.

"Have you ever gotten high before?" I asked.

Mark quickly shook his head. "That could totally fuck up my sports scholarships I can't risk that," he said. He did have a point, but we're teenagers, we're supposed to do stupid shit.

"I think we should smoke up," I said with an excited smile. "Come on I won't tell anyone."

"Ethan...," he trailed off.

"Come on," I persuaded. "If you need to get drug tested I'll have Riley pee for you, she doesn't smoke."

He thought for a moment with his hands covering his face before letting out a loud sigh accompanied by a "fuck it."

I jumped up off the couch and grabbed my phone. My friend/dealer's phone number was on speed dial so I called him up and asked if he had any weed and if he could bring it to me.

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