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Previously in Chapter.3___

I took out the instant healing potion from my inventory and made him drink it. He glowed a green aura for a while before it disappeared as quick as it appeared. He stood up immediately and held my P.E outfit collar and was about to punch me.

Right now-

Mr. Aizawa halted his hand just 2 cm in front of my face. Instead, he released his grip onto me and sulked in front of the broken dented wall. I walked to him to face him, "Mr. Aizawa can you explain to ne why are you in this state?" "I-I just don't want to face that old lady. Also how can I explain this broken dented wall." "Uhh- you can just ask Cementoss to repair the wall and tell him that one of the students did it." Mr. Aizawa stood up, held my shoulders firmly, "you know what, you're a genius, I'll give you A+'s for this term." "Uhh- thank you? And shouldn't we continue this quirk assessment." "Oh ya right." Since when was Mr. Aizawa that dumb and emotional? Like 3 mins ago he was like emo Einstein, then after that he became the dumbest person alive.

I shrugged, I walked back there to check out the other students. I heared that I still have the highest score.

Third trail, the standing long jump.

The students kept on and on junping as far as they can. But I'm thinking that flying would be the best. When it was finally my turn, I equiped my electra and switched my hold to a stack firework. A lot of students were looking at me and were figuring out what I was supposed to do with the firework.

Should I fly around the world? Well, Mr. Aizawa did have a thing to measure how far we jumped/ fly or something. I decided to just fly around the world one time. I used the firework. As I flew, I saw the beautiful Pacific ocean, I flew over the oceans, over America, Africa, Indian ocean and finally back to Japan.

Once I landed, the students were dumbfounded, apart from some of them. They finally snapped and told me that the thing, I just did was cool. Midoriya wanted to know more about my quirk. I just told him that I could take things from time and space. It was actually part true. Midoriya nodded with a lot of entousiam.

We continued onto the next trail, the sustained side jump.

I wasn't quite sure how to use the potions for that but whatever I'll just take a strength and speed potion. When I was done most of the students looked this trail's score, and I'd say that they were surprised.

The 5th trail was the soft ball pitch.

When it was the Ochako girl, she just gently yeeted the ball, and it went into the sky, probably into space. In Mr. Aizawa's device, it showed the infinity sign. Holy sheesh, unluckily for her that the score doesn't count. Midoriya literally got a 705.3metres a 0.1m more than the Pomeranian. But then it was my turn, the last one. I then just drank the strength potion level XXII, I had an extra in cases like this. I glared at one of the clouds that indicated me to throw soft ball just there.

Just when I threw the soft ball, the ground below me trembled and even made a small crater. I released my grip on the soft ball, it flew through the flipping sky. 'With my calculations, I think that the soft ball would come back just behind me.' I thought. I turned around and streched my hand upwards. Everyone had questioning glances. Mr. Aizawa checked once again his device and understood instantly.

The ball I just threw came back to me. Almost everyone was astonished, like I said almost everone. The whole class was excited, mostly the pink skin and haired girl.

The Gaming Quirk (Minecraft Player x bnha)Where stories live. Discover now