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School resumed as usual but with one or two change. The fact that we just fought against the villains and the excitement aura in the air for the upcoming sports festival. After each and every lunch break, they all talked about the upcoming things. Why can't they change the topic? It's so easy concerning that it's just a conversation. But I didn't leave my thoughts out. I needed to endure it.

The second day of the USJ incident when I got home. The Dream group and Bad wanted me to join the call. I joined it but not before getting a drink. "Hiro, what took you so long?!" "Hey, I was still at school!" "Right. Considering the USJ incident that went viral around the world and the fact that you saved your homeroom teacher from further injuries." "Wait what?! How did the press for so much detail?!" "I don't know. Also Nick had a question to ask you which was bugging him."

Must be nothing right? "Yeah? Spit it out." "I was wondering, why the heck don't you ever swear like ever? I know for a fact that you may slip once or twice considering your character." "For some reason when I try to swear, it censores for me." I could hear Nick muttering some words before saying, "for example?" I took a deep breath then yelled the famous curse word, "F-(quack)!" They all bursted laughing, "so that's why you never curse on camera!" Bad in the contrary was glad that I couldn't swear, "well ya at least I don't have to always say LaNgUagE with 'certain' people." I sighed and told them, "At least you don't have things to restrict you from talking certain words."

"Oh right with the sports festival coming up aren't you scared that they would find out about you because the whole world actually watches the U.A sports festival." "Nah, I'll just use some things plus I'll just tell Present Mic, to call my quirk space-invent." "What? What the heck does that mean?" "LaNgUage!"

I sighed at the stupidity of my online friends and said, "space because I can like bring some kind of items in another dimension like Minecraft. And invent, it's like I'm creating something with items and it can also stand for inventory." I heard them hum in understanding. Dream said, "that's a pretty good quirk name thought. But the revive part?" "Well I'll just say that I can go into time and space something like that, even thought it's only briefly." They seemed to approve of my planning.

Nick suddenly decided to ask, "Since Bad is like now with us won't you show him your face or something?" "You guys aren't recording are you?" I got a series of no's. It was then that I clicked onto video. Bad gasped. I got confused so I asked him, "what's wrong bad?"

"Y-you look like an anime character!" Bad yelled pointing an accusing finger at the camera. "Of course I am." I turned my attention to the camera-man that was filming me. "Hey! I thought you were suppose to cut that part!" The hunters team got confused, "what? Who are you taking to?" I glared at hunters, "that does not concerns you." I muted my mic and turned back to the camera-man, "I thought that you guys are going to cut that part!"

The camera-man sweatdropped and said, "we actually need more views for the book thought." "You just said it was to record my voice for a film or an animation!" "Umm- maybe... But you know, I needed to follow you to school and to everywhere you go with my whole invisibility quirk!"

My aura darkened and yelled, "you what?! Even the changing room?! Even when I go bath?! How?! You can't use your quirk while also going into U.A, it would well block you with their high security!!" The camera-man said feeling uncomfortable, "I didn't do that in your bath. But I did got in the changing room thought. The final question is that I got my ways."

I sighed facepalming, "fine have your ways." I turned back to the hunters realising that my video cam was still on. I unmuted my mic and said, "nothings wrong at all." "I don't believe you with the face you just did." "Don't mind that or do you really want me to kill you?" I said the last part 'nicely', George stammered and said, "w-what?! You won't do that will you?" "Oh yes I can, I can still kill you in game. If you want, I can add hurt physical feelings in there." Nick totally yelled, "No thanks at all!! We don't need additional things on us!" I said challenging, "let's see if you can change my mind." Bad said immediately, "do you want muffins?!" "No thanks I don't really eat that much of them." "Are you sure that you don't want muffins?!" "Of course I am, not that I hate them it's just that I'm not in the mood. If you want I can spare you with the feels."

The Gaming Quirk (Minecraft Player x bnha)Where stories live. Discover now