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first day in UA, start of spring, I prepared my bag, it is 4:20a.m in the morning. I wore my UA uniform proudly including my double masks. Before I walked out of my apartment, I wrote in my social media;

Hey guys good morning/noon/afternoon/night! Today it's my first day of high school in UA and I am proud to wear my uniform. Oh ya! You guys still have 3 days before the deal ends!

I posted the message plus me in my uniform cutting my face from the camera. I instantly got replies from almost everyone. Most of them were nice replies, for example, 'good luck on your first day!', 'don't worry we support you!' and things like that.

When I arrived at UA, which took around 30 mins to get here. Apparently, my class is 1-A, plus my gut feeling tells me that I'll get the Iida guy, Midoriya and the bully guy in the same class. I walked through the hallway of the first years. When I arrived at the giantic door of 1-A, oh ya, some students may have a mutant quirk, I forgot about that. When I opened the door, it was dark as hell, oh right we are still very early in the morning, I switched on the light and there was 21 seats in total, just like what Mr.principal told me about. When I looked on the board, they already wrote the seating arrangements. And I am on the 21st seat.

At least I won't get that much attention? "Hey you!" I turned around to see a caterpillar. "Ah! A yellow monster!" "Quite joking around..." "right, you got me." "Your a new student, right?" "Ya, So what?" "Why are you here this early in the morning?" "I can't sleep so I decided to get here as soon as I can, you see I really hate to stand out..." "and can you explain, Mr.youtuber why you are here." "No way! You found me out!" "Of course. Who wouldn't find out about that? Since you like came here literally just around 40 mins ago, just after the post you posted." "Ya, but I was too impatient to check out the new classroom. Right, and don't tell me that your my homeroom teacher?"

"Yes. And you're the first one who knew I was a homerome teacher without me stating it." "So tell me you're gonna keep my secret right?" "That doesn't concerns me." "Ya right, and your the underground pro hero: Eraserhead." "Oh ho, I'm surprised that you found out that I'm also an underground pro hero." There was a moment of silence.

"So can we stop this talk-fight?" "ya sure. Also do you ever sleep?" "No why?" "What?! You never slept?" "Technically no, I slept when I was 4, but now I can't really sleep correctly, due to my quirk. Unless everyone is sleeping at the moment I can finally sleep." "Oh... so that's why you also stream at night?" "Ya cause it reveals stress and boredom. My apartment neighbors know about that."

"I guess that I can't even help you then. I just can't use my quirk the whole night without blinking." "Oh... that must hurt." "Yes. But I hate it when you can't even sleep." "That's a first!" "What's a first?" "I didn't know that you care for your students?" "Well all teachers must do right?" "That makes sense." "Everything makes sense with me." "Right and your illogical with your choice of clothes." "Wait what's illogical on me?" I sighed, "you know wearing black isn't a good idea, I do know you wear that just in case of villain attack and it's practical but if you put on your yellow sleeping bag, it's so bright that we could even see that in the dark. Plus with wearing all this black, people may end up bumping into you like, right now." He rised an eyebrow.

"Ouch what the hell? Did I just bump into a shadow?" The homeroom teacher turned his back to me, to face the other unknown person. "Mic, what are you doing here this early in the morning?" "Oh that was you, Shota, I didn't know that sorry." "Don't dodge my question, Mic." "Oh ya that, well I was just suddenly woken up by this guy." Mic said holding up a cockatiel.

Mr. Aizawa facepalmed. I asked Present Mic, "Can I take the birb please?" "Sure, he seemed to hate me anyway and I don't think that I may be able to work properly because of this guy here." Present Mic asked, "When will you take him back to your house?" "Just after school." Present Mic responded with a simple ok. I stared at the birb and told him, "If you behave well with Mr.Present Mic, I'll get you a treat in a nearby pet shop, deal?" The cockatiel nodded in understanding. "Welp, Mr. Fukuda please get into class until we start it." "Yes sensei!"

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