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3 months, I stayed 3 whole months at home (did I mention that I take online schooling? No? Ok then, now you know) as I was trying to figure out the mods that I added in the world to use and facilitate my quirk. I posted videos of the dream smp and some manhunt videos in my Twitch and Youtube to make sure I wasn't offline for too long. Luckily these people understood, so I'm glad.

I still have about 2 more months to prepare for the entrance exams. Plus it's been a long time since I've walked out of my apartment. So today I've decided to take a stroll in Tokyo. Luckily it ain't that far.

When I arrived there, there was a hella lot of people, I'm glad I still didn't do a face reveal or people would be fangurling/ fanboying at me. Plus they would prevent me from doing my personal things. I'm too famous in the world, I guess that I'm even famous with the heros as I walk pass one of them.

When I walked near a shop, I heard two people talking about the word 'golden appy' I made while they were looking at a new meme about my group.

(Just imagine a meme about the first chapter)

A smile is brought to my face. I walked away mindlessly. I then suddenly found myself just in front of UA, I muttered, "this will be my new high school in 2 months." Unknown to me, the principal of the school saw me walk pass the school and even heard me from the security cameras. "Interesting, a new student huh? I wonder how he'll do in the exams."

-2 months later- (Why not?)

The 26 February---
In the morning before the entrance exams, I wore my casual clothes plus my mask under another mask -(no one wants to get contaminated right?)- then I activated my quirk to see if there was anything wrong with my inventory or things. I decided to put on my armor when the fighting part begins.

The first part was the written exams and I aced through them easily, during the remaining time, I glanced through the whole class and noticed that I was the only one to complete it for the moment.

-end of first part-

We gave back our papers then we all scambled to the auditorium, for the second part of the exams, the exciting one. A puff of smoke appeared on stage then a slim adult with a cockatiel hair cut, triangular sunglasses, headphones and rock'n'roll style clothes magically appeared on the stage. The well known voice-type hero: Present Mic. I wondered, 'Should I cover my ears? Nah.'

He even talks in a foreign language, 'the rock language.' From what I understood, during the practical exam, us, candidates conduct mock battles in replica urban settings; A,B,C,D,E,F and G. We are given ten minutes to use our quirks to immobilize/ destroy fake villain robot boys in order to score points depending on the robot's point value. The more points one examinee earns, the higher their chance is to get accepted into U.A.

We, candidates are not allowed to fight other candidates. Doing so results in disqualification. Students from the same middle school are placed in different testing areas to avoid potential cooperation; I've never been to a middle school, I've been on online schooling.

Each defeated Villain Bot is worth a certain amount of points, which are assigned to the Bots according to their difficulty level:
1 Point - Easy Villains
2 Points - Medium Villains
3 Points - Hard Villains

And... Mr.Iida decided to butt in, "ExCuse mE SiR, MaY I AsK A QueSTioN?!" "Go ahead!!" Mr.I-know-everything pointed to the printout given to everyone in the auditorium and stats the obvious, "On the PrInToUt, ThEre ArE CleArlY FoUr TyPes oF VilLaInS LiStEd!! Such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top-tier National academy of UA's caliber! The reason why we are seated here today is because we seek guidance on the path to becoming model heroes. Moreover-"

The Gaming Quirk (Minecraft Player x bnha)Where stories live. Discover now