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I know that I usually don't do an author's note but expect some errors in this chapter and future ones.


Mr. Aizawa is being crushed under the hands of the Nomu while I'm here thinking of trying to help him. Oh right, what happened 10 mins ago?

-10 mins ago-

Mr. Aizawa was trying very hard to not blink in front of the black mist guy. While he was fending off the villains on his eye sight, I tried to take out the villains with my sword while also arrowing them with paralyzing poison. For a second, I saw Mr. Aizawa blink then the black mist guy dissipated to the students to block them from going out of the usj.

"Shit, I shouldn't have blinked." I replied to his non-existent-self while still fending off the villains, "don't blame yourself, it's in the not-so-long past, concentrate on what you have in front of you." "Right."

Once we were done with the villains, Shigaraki sighed in yet a higher level of frustration. "Nevermind, we don't need these guys we can still use the Nomu that master wanted us to test." The mist guy glanced at him, "if you say so."

My gut feeling was really gut hurting. Mr. Aizawa said more like question himself, "we got no choice but to fight him head on?" "I don't know, plus I don't think that your quirk will affect him." "Right, you said that you can like 'revive'?" "Yes why?" "Well I thought that you can make a diversion and try to harm him while I try to capture him. Like I said try." "If you say so, don't blame me if you end up on the ground." He nodded agreeing.

I took out my sword and made him grab the Nomu's attention on me. I began slashing the Nomu and blocking its attacks. Its attacks are powerful enough to push me back a few steps but not enough to kill me. Before I attack head on, I needed to place my spawn point right here.

Once I was done and all, I rushed onto the Nomu and slashed continuously onto him cutting his limps and arms. I keep poofing out an poofing in as it punches me. But then the Nomu got frustrated and punches in the speed of light. He still couldn't kill me. I got out of it without scraches or broken bones or injuries but you could say that it hurt a lot more than those of All Might. Guess that they weren't playing around when they said that it was made to destroy All Might.

Then the Nomu thought that he couldn't kill me so he went for Aizawa who was on his back trying to capture or at least injure him. Like I said keyword, trying. The Nomu hurted Mr. Aizawa a lot like; smashed his face on the floor, dislocated his arm and ect.

-Right now-

And yup that's what happened and I'm right here cringing at the sight. When Mr. Aizawa was finally able to lift up his head, he told me, "hey Fukuda, at least be useful and get me out of here." "Sure sure." I then used my sword on my right hand to cut through the Nomu's arm that is holding Mr. Aizawa's head. The Nomu screamed an ear-piercing scream being in pain. Then I kicked him in the stomach but that didn't work. But it still stumbled back freeing Mr. Aizawa.

I yeeted an instant healing potion onto Mr. Aizawa and he stood up immediately retreating. "Don't expect me to thank you." "Of course, but I do know that you'll thank me internally though." "Shut up and concentrate on the fight. It still isn't finished." "Ya ya says the one that's still talking." After I was done talking, he sighed exasperated. "Don't you want me to tell you a new pla-" "I know I know, I need to paralyze that thing." "Right."

I got into a fighting stance, glaring at the Nomu. I told Mr. Aizawa, "just don't get injured, I can't always heal you." "I know but its much more effective and safe than that old lady's kiss." "I know your pain." "Shut up."

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