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Aizawa told me that I could start entering the area. Once I got in I made my items in my inventory to not let loose when I 'die'. I walked around the place and kept going up the stairs. By my mental calculations, I'm about at the fourth floor. I splashed an invisibility potion on me. I sneakily got into the fifth floor when All Might suddenly says, "young Fukuda! You must be already here since a min ago. I am waiting for your first moves!!" Just when he finished saying that, All Might proceeded to circle around the atomic bomb to prevent me from touching it. 'I see so he knows that I'm invisible and is trying to make me do the first move huh? Great move All Might but all moves had its flaws.'

Before I start my move, I'll need to drink a strength potion and a speed potion. I then walked 'slowly' and silently towards him. I knew he was going to think that I would even try to touch the nuclear bomb but I thought better. I kicked him in his stomach area because my leg can only go to this height. When I kicked him, he got back by around 10 steps. Then the invisibility potion deactivated then I was about to touch the nuclear bomb when All Might punched me. Luckily I wasn't dead, I was down to 2 hearts, so I ate some cooked meat in my stock.

"You know you shouldn't eat during combat." "Yes I do, but that is necessary for me to not poof out in front of you." I walked near the nuclear bomb and he stood right in front of me. "Don't you dare touch the bomb, young Fukuda." "Dont worry i won't touch it." Instead, I set my spawn point just near the atomic bomb. "Oh really? So you will poof out fron combat huh? Well, lets test that out will we, young Fukuda?" "Sur-" before I had the chance to finish, All Might punched me with all of his strength. I flinched then poofed near the atomic bomb. All Might took his time to process what had happened but it was already too late, I touched the nuclear bomb a second ago.

"The hero team, wins!" All Might was still in his state of shock then he lowered his arms. "Young Fukuda I really did punch you right?" "Ya you did and it hurt like hell, that punch would have killed me if I didn't have the perk from my quirk." "I see, so you put up the 'revive area' just beside the nuclear bomb. I'll admit, that was a great idea." "Thank you, All Might."

I got back to the view area and I was bombarded with loads of congratulations on how I defeated the number 1 pro hero. They kept asking about the mystery of my quirk. But I kept dodging the question because I wasn't in the mood to be a teacher.

And that was how class ended. When I got home, I sent a message in my social media to tell them that they still got tomorrow at 11pm, here in Japan. And I told them that there's still ain't any good answer. But there would be another surprise instead. Everyone was excited for the surprise although I may won't do the face reveal cause they didn't find out my quirk.

I knew that right now is too early for the dream team or bad. But I still sent a message to bad for tomorrow night's stream. I paced back and forth, watching tv, eating some snacks playing some video games and playing with Cootle just to wait for the reply for around 5-6 freaking hours.

The muffin lover

Sup Azrael! Sure, I would love to join the dream team for the manhunt, tomorrow!

Great! Bye Bad! See you tomorrow!
Be sure to correct Sapnap's language!!

Sure thing! Bye Azrael!

Now that it was done, I decided to try to sleep for now. I have a feeling that I still won't be able to sleep. I really need to get sleeping pills or code something into my quirk.

-the next day in front of U.A-

I noticed a large group of reporters wanting answers on the number one hero teaching at U.A, they went to ask Midoriya, then Uraraka, then Iida, the Pomeranian and finally Mr. Aizawa. You could say that I sneakily got inside U.A without the reporters noticing.

The Gaming Quirk (Minecraft Player x bnha)Where stories live. Discover now