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"Oh Azrael!! Here we come!!" I was able to hear them at 11 o'clock around 10 metres away. I had a minute more to be able to escape. I jumped on the trees and when I glanced back I saw the dream team onto me. I guess that Bad went to collect resources for the team. I yelled while they were trying to punch me, "Leave me the hell alone!!" Dream had his maniacal laugh, "aha! Ahaha!! Haha!!" George normal laugh, "Never!" Sapnap loud incoherent laugh, "hah! You're sh*t!! I'm glad that there is this proximity chat!" "Language! Also I can hear you Sapnap!" "How the heck can you hear me?!" "Language!" The rest of the Dream team had questioning glances.

I decided to tell him, "Actually Sapnap, I coded for bad so that only you and him can exchange words with each other." "F*CK IT!!" "Language!! Language!" "Remember we still need to get to Azrael." "Yeah I do know that, and he's already gone." "Hah?!"

Little did they know I dug underground, that won't take long until they find out. I continued digging until I found a cave, I mined stone for the stone tools. I have no idea if they found out, so I needed to be quick and quiet. I then found around 10 iron ore, I smelted the iron with 2 furnaces. With that I crafted a crafting table then using it to craft a shield and an iron chestplate.

And then I heard muffled screams, I glanced around suspiciously then saw 3 game tags just above me. But it gradually dissapeared. I checked the chat and saw that bad got iron but maybe not enough for the whole team. I then tried to get the maximum amount of iron for the rest of my armour plus my iron sword, axe, pickaxe. When I was done, I broke the furnaces and crafting table.

Suddenly I could hear footsteps, I crouched down, clenched my hands, took breaths and dug a square hole. I continued to dig the small hole and moved in there while also blocking the way. "Hey guys you hear that?" "Ya, sounds like Azrael is trying to dig away." "So what are we waiting for we need to find him." Then footsteps walking away were heard. I exhaled relieved, 'I'm glad that I could go through a square.' Then I realised that the chat could hear my thoughts. I facepalmed, 'I totally forgot about that detail.'

I shook my head, I needed to continue. So I dug throught the one square wide tunnel, while also closing the path. I decided to start digging up still crouching to make the least noise possible. Once I got up to the surface, I bolted further away.

-(I'm quite tired writing all this things so from here it's like in dream's first 4v1 manhunt but just replace bad with dream, antfrost with bad and dream with Azrael. I'll only write from the end)-

Arriving in the end, I knew, like I said, I knew that they would come here sooner or later. I destroyed almost all the nether stars when I saw the four hunters running my way. "Oohh Azrael we will win this time! You are outnumbered!" I retorted, "you guys are playing cops now? I didnt know that! I mean we could try and do this kind of video in the future!" "Stop sh*tting with us!!" "LaNgUAgE!!" "Bad! No time to play around! He's literally sueing the dragon with arrows!!"

They were trying to climb up to knock me off my tower. Keyword, trying. I knock them off instead but they had water buckets, "seriously?! Can't you guys just die!" I could just stay here but I used an enter pearl to teleport to the dragon. The dragon was half the health, I was about to kill him but I needed to dodge an attack from dream. I tsk'd and ender pearled on the obsidian tower thingy. I then used my bow to try to kill the dragon from afar.

Butt dream ender pearled meet me and knocked me off. Instead I used an ender pearl to teleport once again to the dragon and hit the last of the dragon's health bar. I yelled in a victorious tone, "Yes!!" Then an arrow pierced through me, I did die but I still won. I teleported the whole group to the spawn point. "Azrael we did kill you right?!" "Hey! I killed the dragon before the arrow pierced me!!" "We killed you first!" "No way I killed the dragon first! Did you at least see the achievement? If no then your totally blind!"

The Gaming Quirk (Minecraft Player x bnha)Where stories live. Discover now