Chapter. 11

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Sorry for the lateness but I needed to delete almost 3/4 of the chapter to accomodate a new idea that I had in my mind. Hope you enjoy this late chapter!


Before the next fight even started, Uraraka went to the waiting room, maybe to prepare against Bakugo, I don't really blame her, she's quite against a person whose a natural fighter. Welp, anyway, Ashido and Aoyama's fight went fairly quickly, due to the fact that Aoyama can only handle his quirk for a second until he would get stomach ache

The same was for Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu as Tokoyami attacked her directly with sheer force and pushed her out of bounds. That's quite a gentleman but pretty dark.

Then it was Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's turn. They have quite a similar quirk. The only difference is that Tetsutetsu eat iron elated foods while Kirishima is only hardened skin. I still don't get why people as mad as Tetsutetsu's parents would have the mind to call their own children, their family name.

As I knew that their fight would by far be the longest, Midoriya stood up to get to Uraraka and I decided to tag along as I was just bored. When we arrived at the number 2 waiting room, Midoriya opened the door and entered it. I tagged along, glancing over his back I saw Iida standing up and Uraraka sitting on one of the chairs. They greeted us, "oh hey, Fukuda, Midoriya./ oh hey Deku, Fukuda! Why aren't you guys watching the other's matches?"

"We just want to check up on you, Uraraka, since you'll be fighting Bakugo," Midoriya answered and I added, "a genius of combat." Uraraka shuddered, "couldn't you remind me of that?" I sighed, "well you still need to prepare mentally you know." "Ya, thanks." Uraraka sighed desperately. Outside we could hear Present Mic yelling that Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were on draw and will come back on this match after Uraraka's one.

Iida, Midoriya and I went back to class 1-A box to spectate Uraraka's end.

In short, Bakugo won, Uraraka fainted and she got bad injuries (I know that I'm not going into details but I'm not motivated, I'm more interested in the spicy part). Now that the first round was over, we went back to the draw of Tetsutetsu and Kirishima. Between two of them only one can continue. For them to continue, they were arm wrestling. Finally, Kirishima won the to the fact that Tetsutetsu couldn't continue using his quirk when he forgot to eat his iron filled cereal lunch bar.

Just after, we got an intermission before the start of the next round. Hm, Midoriya and Todoroki's second round first battle. I'm interested, everyone is. The thing is when they are fighting Midoriya kept breaking the ice that Todoroki shot in his direction. Midoriya yelled at him about how this power he got is not from his father or mother. It was his.
He was his only person and his own. Not his father's pawn but himself.

Todoroki seemed to snap and used both his ice and fire. They both used their 100% and couldn't stop. cementoss tried to stop the gigantic shockwave but it was useless. It caused a big explosion, bigger than Bakugou could actually do. The battle ended with Midoriya heavily injured and Todoroki still standing but still injured. And- they would need to wait for the next match became the battle arena have a huge crater.

Unfortunately I can't help Cementoss rebuilding the area. I would loved to help. I sighed loudly. The surrounding students glanced at me. "What?" My voice came out harshly than I expected. Jiro decided that she had enough courage to ask me, "are you frustrated about something?" "Yes, they can't care for themselves, they break their bones or that they can't even know their limits. Plus I really need to give one of my potions to Todoroki since he'll be fighting me. And I don't want him exhausted halfway in my fight."

My classmates nodded understanding the frustration. I stood up pointing my thumb to the exit, "Iida don't you want to relieve tension by going into the waiting room to recollect your thoughts before you fight me? I'll be going my way don't worry." Iida said standing up stifly, still chopping the air, "It will be my pleasure, Fukuda." Iida followed me out to our waiting rooms only to seperate when their are two routes seperating the main route.

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