Chapter. 13

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I walked side by side of the pro hero, Edgeshot. "I'm glad you chose my agency, you could have chosen Endeavor or something?" "Oh well, I already got the skillset. It would be useless to learn something, I already know." He nodded not saying anything. (I actually already told him the truth about myself and turns out he actually fanboyed. He was also amazed from the fact that I was able to keep my identity secret. Stupidly)

"Let's go back to my agency so I can teach you a way to jump from building to building or wall running or the art of the silent steps. There aren't any villains here anyway." Edgeshot suddenly said after a few minutes. I nodded.

Back to the agency, the secretary greeted us. On the way, I could see Kamui Woods and Mount Lady teaching Kaminari, Sero, Mineta and a girl that I don't recognise with vines like hair. I was actually the only person interning with Edgeshot so I guess that it was easier for him. I didn't notice that Edgeshot stopped so I bumped into him. "Sorry, I was still looking around." "It's ok," he turned to face me, "that always happen when I recruit new people. I'm glad you have such good manners." I nodded.

"Alright, I want to see how you manage a dagger." He sheathed out a dagger on his office table which is a medium size one and gave it to me. I held the dagger like how an assassin would use it. "Not bad for a first. You can leave a bit more distance between your feet and bend them. Your dagger should be onto your eye sight level to be able to lock the target or enemy. Your left hand can be used for a one hand karate." I nodded, doing as indicated, I commented, "that actually feels a lot better from my previous stance."

"Which hand do you want it to be very accurate and powerful?" "Uhhm, both?" "Both- alright it is possible to change between them so if you want to use your right hand put your left foot in front and bend your knees, to get the maximum damage using your right hand. It is the same thing for your other hand but your right foot in front of you instead." I tested both of those, hitting the air. After a while I used my right foot which was behind my left one to do a round kick in the air.

"Not bad for a beginner." "Is that supposed to be a compliment or a-" "I meant it to be a compliment." "Oh-" "Let's go back to the training room, shouldn't we?" "Ya?" "-right"

We walked out of the office to go to the training room. "How come there aren't anyone?" "I reseved it for this week. Now try and use that technique I just taught you on that dummy right there," he said pointing at the dummy in the middle of the room.

I executed them perfectly and ended with the dummy's head cut off. "That's good, but you should try to not randomly cut people's head got it?" "Hn." "-I don't even have anything to say in your character anymore." "Can we go to the silent steps now?" "Lets not rush there, you can even practice it in U.A, so let's just try and teach you how to jump from building to building then you won't have any other opportunity? From what I heard, you won't really die when your quirk is activated?" I nodded confirming it.

"So we don't need to worry about you dieing then. For the basics, you'll need to be able to jump as far and high as possible. Start with jumping as high as possible without your quirk." I did so and turns out that I jumped high enough for the jumping from building to building thing. "How about long jump?" "You don't need to, as long as you can jump high, you can jump far."

"Right- so we go outside?" "Yup, you got the round, Azur." We got outside in an alleyway, stairs that go to the roof. On the roof he asked, "nervous?" "Yeah a bit- I never really jumped from a very high building or distance." "Well I'm sure you'll be able to do it. Just believe in yourself. One tip when you jump, you need to get some kind of 'I believe I can fly' feeling."

I sweatdropped, "I believe I can fly?" "Well ya- strangely that usually worked." "You mean that there were people that end up down there?" "Ya but you won't die right?" I facepalmed, "Yes but I'll still feel the pain, that's why I'm nervous." "Then try not to fall then." 'Seriously- what kind of dumb reply is that?'

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