Chapter. 18

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The results were out and- turns out Sero failed the practical too because he almost didn't do anything.
But Aizawa got us and said that everyone got to go to the summer camp. He gave us a list of what we need to bring for the summer camp. Most of the things we needed to buy, well most my classmates. They asked me if I wanted to accompany them even tho, I've got nothing to buy. I said and I quote, "I've got enough social interactions for today." Mina whined, "But you didn't even interact with us!" "Yeah but that's beside the point." "Awe, come on man!" "It's the last time no-"

Once the bell rang for the end the day, I immediately went to grab my bag and rushed out of classroom before any other of my classmates try to get me to go to the mall tomorrow.

Back home, I greeted the cockatiel with one of the strangest names, Cootle. I immediately went to boot my pc to talk to my online friends that I may not be present for a whole week or so because I'll be going to the training camp. Tommy decided to butt in, "That's just an excuse to not stream or play on the smp." I rolled my eyes even tho they can't see it, "You should know that I go to a hero school now and I'm just telling you about what I'm about to do during the summer holidays." "So what?" Dadza told off Tommy, "It's not like you went to a hero school. You don't even know the limit to your own quirk, plus it's kind of useless in battle against the villains."

Tommy sniffed dramatically on his stream, went to opened his closet door, entered it and sulked there. Tommy yelled from his opened closet, "You just hurt my heart and ambitions!" Sapnap crossed his arms, "You don't really have to be THAT dramatic right?" "Yeah yeah!" I went to take a simple bag for my toothbrush and toothpaste, some clothes, a towel, a hairbrush and a flashligh- wait- since when do I need a flashlight? I can just get a night-owl mod, yeah. Then to bring Cootle with me or I could open a portal and leave it with one of my online friends. Better leave it, too dangerous for him."Hey! Guys?! I need some help for something!" The people in the call which includes; Dream, George, Ranboo, Tubbo, Bad, Quackity, Techno, Wilbur, Philza, Tommy and Sapnap. George replied for everyone, "Yeah? What do you need?" "First Tommy mute your stream so we can continue-" Tommy yelled still in his closet, "Fine, bitch!" "Tommy! LaNgUAgE!!" "I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOUR LANGUAGE!" "TOMMY! LANGUAGE!" "Shut up you two. Or I can stitch your mouths so you won't yell" Both of them were immediately quiet and Tommy went to mute his stream and said, "Uhm- I'm done, so what did you want to ask?" "I was wondering if one of you guys could keep my cockatiel when I'm in the summer camp-" Dream immediately replied, "I can't, I will be having Drista at my house and she may end up touching your bird every time." Wilbur continued on, "I stay at my parents and I cannot just bring a bird then say, 'hey I need to keep this bird for a friend, can I?' so yeah I can't, plus I may also end up killing your bird the same with Sapnap."

Philza said chuckling slightly at his own thought, "My wife may let me, but if it's nosy then no-" As if on cue, a shoe hit Phil's face with a bonk. "Ouch! Come on! I didn't say anything bad!" "I don't really want you to 'caw caw' or say 'I'm a nugget' at a bird that don't even know what you're saying!" "Wait, how did you know it was a bird?" "I know everything, it is written all over your face Philza minecraft!" "Wait really?!" "Yes really!" Philza turned back and said, "Well you guys got your answer" Dream is on mute but we all know that he is wheezing at this moment since we were also laughing to ourselves. Tommy and Tubbo said not being able to keep the bird due to their parents. Ranboo well, let's just say he don't know much about birds. Bad would loved to keep the bird but he had his and skeppy's streams to worry about, as an excuse. Then Quackity and Techno, I didn't want to give them Cootle for personal reasons.

"And that leaves you George, you took too much time to respond." "Wait what? We were doing something? Sorry I was reading a fanfic." Sapnap said teasingly, "Must be a dnf one" "Wait what? No.. I was- reading a random fantasy novel." "A novel about your love fantasy, yeah-" "No!" "Then what is it?" "Sapnap! You don't have to know!" "ok then, Gorge," Sapnap shrugged, "say what you want." I sighed, "George, it's too late, we already decided on you, luckily I know your address" "W-wait what?" I opened a portal and another one at George's house, the portal was just behind him. "uhm- George?" "What Snapmap?" Sapnap was about to tell George but it was too late. First I moved in Cootle's food, water and treats then I yeeted the cage with Cootle in into the portal, which hit George. "Ouch! What the fu-" "LaNgUAgE!" "Anyways, Hiro! Why did you yeet me this cage with your bird in it? And how did you sent it here so quick?" George turned around and saw a floating portal which didn't plan on closing yet. George approached the portal and was about to poke his head in it when I slammed a pie with loads of cream on his face. Then I immediately close the portal.

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