Chapter 12

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Today was finally the day where the new 1st years would be moving into the Seidou dorms to get the chance to be in the starting line up for Seidou. Practice had just ended and Akita was walking back to the dorms with Miyuki and Kuramochi when he brought up about the new first years.

"Yaha since Masuko-senpai cant talk Ill have to scare the new first year be myself" he sneakered

Akita sighed "Im glad I don't room with you."

"Ya the poor 1st year will be scared to death'' Miyuki teased Kuramochi glared at the catcher.

"but anyways tell me how it goes" Akita waved as she and Miyuki separated with Kuramochi to go upstairs.
Not even a couple of hours later the sound of screaming and laughter filled the air, Akita shook her head as she looked at Jingu "man, poor 1st year" she thought be fore turning off her light.


The next day all of the team was standing behind coach as the new 1st years stood before them. Akita stood in the front with Kuramochi as the Coach greeted everyone with a good morning but there was something missing, Akita looked around and saw a glimpse of a certain catcher who was late she mentally face palmed at her friends idiocy. Kuramochi started to chuckle at something Masuko had written, she raised an eyebrow at him but Kuramochi waved it off.

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