Chapter 10

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Welcome, the west Tokyo tournament semifinals will began shortly. Enjoy the game

Seidou will be batting in the bottom of first, and Inashiro in the the top of first.

As Seidou walked out to the dugout and some onto the felid you could here the crowd roar as the players came into sight. "Testu!" ''Its Seidou!" "Captain!" "Kominato!" "Isashiki!"

The first years were amazed by the crowd as they roared for both Seidou and Inashiro. Akita leaned over the the dugout to see the crowd "Wow so many" she awed, Kuramochi laughed before putting his body on Akitas to see also "Dang full crowd." Akita grunted at new found weight, then Kuramochi soon felt weight on him he turned to the person and glared at the person "Oi megane get off." Miyuki only smirked "but I like the view" as he applied more weight "YA both of you off" Akita said trying to push the two off with her arms "don't make me yell for the Ryosuke or Jun-Senpai," the two shivered before getting off Akita smirked before going off to talk with Testu.  Miyuki felt a gaze on him and turned to see Mei in the dugout starring at him intensely, he gave Mei a devious smile before turning away annoying the blonde. 

The teams made their way to the field both lined in front of each other

"Bow" "Good luck!"

In the stands friends and family all watched with one question in their minds, how will this game play out who will be the winner?

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