Chapter 25

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As the game began Akita realized just how strong Karasuno had become, sure Eijun talked for hours about the the team.
But it was some of the videos Toru would send her late at night asking for her to look for even the smallest of weakness, sure he found some but there was one thing that she found Toru had missed while watching Karasunos games.

As the crowd cheered for Toru the older looked to his sister sending her a wink as he fooled Karasuno into thinking he was going to to do a setter dump when he had thrown the ball to Iwaizumi. She chuckled at her brother.

"Oneesan why does your Oniisan have to play dirty" Sawamura shouted

"Oi baka calm down" Kuramochi frowned

Akita smiled "Mhm Eijun its just starting Daichi will have something up your sleeve"


Seidou looked surprised as Kageyama gave a surprised setter dump in return to Toru's. They watched as Kageyama was now up to serve he tossed the ball it flew wayy pass Aoba Johsai outing the ball.

Both Toru and Iwaizumi chuckled at the flustered blueberry "Someone should tell Kit-kat that she's got a new player on the baseball team"

Now it was Torus turn to serve, Seidou's first years watched in amazement as the fast ball went flying forwards Karasuno and gasped as the guy in orange received it with ease.

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