Chapter 16

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"Alright everyone the rules are simple, no going outside the boundaries or going indoors" Kuramochi spoke "the boundaries are between the practice fields to the training building"

"anyone who does not want to participate, after this announcement please head to your dorms and wait until you here the horn once there is a winner and the games over" Akita added

"Alliances are allowed, and you are allowed to steal weapons" Kuramochi grinned "When we say go everyone will rush in and grab whatever weapons you can get"

Everyone started to eye the best weapons that were at the center.

"The time limit is about an hour and a half. Everyone will start at a equal distance from the cornucopia and once your out of ammo or completely soaked please return to the cafeteria so we know whose out."

"Except for you Mochi" Akita turned to her partner "You will start a further distance"

"WHAT why!"

"Cause Mochi your a fast runner its only far" Akita shrugged "all in favor with Kuramochi starting at further distance?"

Almost everyone raised their hands. Akita laughed as Kuramochi glared at his friend.

Akita clapped her hands "Alright everyone lets get this show on the road, now remember who ever is left standing is the winner."

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