Chapter 2

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Edogawa senior league managed to win against their river school Daigo league 5 to 2 and would be going against marugame senior league. Going up against them was going to be difficult for Akita and Miyuki. Since they weren't the only ones with good players their team. Later that day Akita walked with Miyuki back to his house for a sleepover and since his dad wasn't really present much Akita tried to help Miyuki with his chores as much as possible but the boy would push her away saying he's used to doing things on his own. "Hey Kaz do you think we're going to win tomorrow" she said while eating the food Miyuki made. 

Miyuki thought for a moment "well I really think that we will be challengers for them" he said then took another bite of his food food Akita nodded in response returning to her food. The two finished dinner then watched some movies and practiced for what tomorrow awaited.


Miyuki and Akita stood side by side as they watched the opposing team group warm up, they had realized last night that the teams coach was no other then Animal a Japanese pro player. Akita knew the that this was going to be more difficult then she thought.

As the top of the 5th inning was being played Akita was up to bat with one strike and two balls, for Chris this girl surprised him so, she had a good eye for the balls that were being called. At the last throw Akita swung at and collide with the ball and it went towards left field which gave her enough time to be safe at first. Though fortunately she was able to steal second but her teammates were unable to swing the ball and the team ended up with ending their inning with no points once again. This continued until the end of the sixth inning when Miyuki was up to bat but was unable to hit the ball. The game was called and marugame league winning. Chris walked away with a victory but with also remembering two very interesting players.

While the two players sat on a bench watching and saying goodbye as their teammates left.
 "so his name was Chris is he foreign or something" questioned Miyuki
"ya he might be" said said Akita as she watched the sky turn orange the sun set.

Then suddenly a voice was heard from behind them 

"a catcher-to-catcher battle of reading each others minds huh".

"that sounds fun" Miyuki thought as he and Akita both turned to the lady standing there. 

"but who are you miss" asked Miyuki as he pointed at her and Akita nodding in agreement.

"Well I was wondering if you two would like to be part of the Seidou high baseball team I'm soon to be manger and scout Takashima Rei of Seidou." 

"Well" Akita said "we love to miss" as she looked over to Miyuki and he nodded in agreement "but we're only first years"

"WHAT your only first years" the lady shouted the duo nodded "no wonder your so short you are still tall for your age" as she pointed to them.

"are you really a scout?" Miyuki asked speculated, Takashima nodded "well" Miyuki looked over to Akita she nodded in agreement "we'll think about it"

" I understand you guys still have to decide and when you do I hope we can welcome you to seidou's team". With that she bowed and walked away. 

"Well good thing we know some school wants us" Akita laughed and Miyuki nodded "ya and its only the beginning". 


Forward To Last Year Of Junior High

Miyuki sighed as he walked to Akitas aunts house, Mei had offered to have him join his all star team and in miyuki's words conquer every high school at baseball. But he said no and he didn't regret it, Seidou was promising and he heard Chris was there and Miyuki saw his chance to beat that catcher plus he had promised Akita that they play together and he wanted it to stay that way, his thoughts carried him to Akitas doorstep.

He knocked and the door opened a small corgi ran out Miyuki was lucky enough to catch the small dog "geez someone is excited to see you kaz" said Akita appearing hands on her hips 

"well of course pocky likes me more" miyuki smirked at the girl then scratched the dogs ears Akita rolled her eyes in response

"so" akita said as she let Miyuki in "what did that Narumiya brat want"  spatted Akita as she and Miyuki sat on the couch.
Earlier he had texted her saying that Mei had wanted to talk before he came over and he said he would tell her the details later when he saw her.

"Geez still hold a grudge" Miyuki teased "of course" Akita exclaimed, a few years back at a game between the two Mei struck out Akita several times and teased her about it whenever they were around each other and bragged about how he was the better pitcher, so Akita never liked the brat. "well" Miyuki  nervously scratched the back of his neck. Akita raised an eyebrow "he wanted me to join his all star team and go to Inashiro" "oh" and what did you say" said Akita as she looked down and played with pocky who was between the two.

 "I told him no" Akita gave Miyuki a surprised look

"come on we're supposed to do this together" said Miyuki as he interlocked their pinkies, Akita let out a laugh "so seidou" then as she smiled at him and he returned the smile "ya lets show them what we're made of".

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