Chapter 31

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The day of the Semifinals

"Shit-" Yelled the brown-haired teen as he ran frantically outside Meiji Jingu Stadium. Alongside him were several other teens who were also in a hurry to enter the stadium. "The game already started!"

"It's your fault! If it wasn't for your shitty directional skill we would've arrived on time!"

"Don't blame me Tokyo is scarily big"

"Such a country bumpkin!"

"We're from the same town genius"

And before the other could retort another one of the teens spoke "Guys let's not fight" He said frantically "If we don't hurry up, we'll miss Ei-Chans turn!"

As the group procced to the stadium at the back of the pack a girl was seen looking at her surroundings as she walked behind the rest

Noting the lack of Presence from his friend Nobu turned around to the girl. "Wakana-chan hurry!"


Seidou was now behind Sensen with Sensen having a one-point lead. Tanba and Miyuki were doing everything they could. Tanba threw his last pitch giving a strike. Miyuki stood throwing the ball back.

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