Chapter 3

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1st Year At Seidou

"Now first years line up" yelled coach kataoka

Akita took a deep breath as she stood next to Miyuki and a guy that reminded her a little bit of a squirrel. It was finally the day her and Miyuki would start their careers at Seidou high. Man was she nervous she took a quick glance at Miyuki to see him just standing there with a blank expression but she knew he was probably just as nervous as her but didn't show it. But when she looked over to the boy on the other side of her his expression totally showed he was nervous which made her feel a little more calm.

"HAI, Maezono Kenta I'd like to play first baseman and batt"

Kataoka nodded "Next"

"HAI SIR, Shirasu Kenjiro I'd like to play right field and batt"



there were a few gasps and coach Kataoka turned to the boy with a glare on his face "what kind of language do think your using with me?" Kataoka said coldly man that kid has some guts thought Akita. "I'm sorry" said the boy "mmm state your name" coach said.

The boy nods" Kuramochi Youichi I'd like to play shortstop and I can batt both sides"

Coach nods then goes to the next person

"Miyuki Kazuya I'd like to play catcher SIR"

As Kataoka moved on to the next person he paused as he saw who was next

"Oikawa Akita I'd like to play all positions, so I do my best for the team"

Kataoka nodded "are you prepared for what lies ahead and for what's instore being on this team" "yes sir" said said Akita as she balled her fists knowing exactly what he meant, there was going to be a lot of negativity for a girl playing baseball but it only showed that this coach was going to give her a chance.

Kataoka nods then goes to the next student after her.


The sound of the ball hitting the bats was heard as Akita, Miyuki and their fellow first years ran laps in the second practice field. "dang I wish I could practice too" huffed Miyuki who was running in front of everyone next to Akita. She nodded in agreement. After what seemed like forever running laps coach had called the first years to the dug out in practice A's field. "As you all know we will be having our annual intraquad game by the end of the week with that said it is not only to see the growth of the 2nd and 3rd years but to see what you first years are made of, I will allow three spots on first string an two on second now is the time to show me what you got."


Later on as the sun was starting to set, Akita and Miyuki were walking back to the dorms when Miyuki saw someone in the distance
"do you remember that kid that said yo earlier" said Miyuki as he turned to look at Akita, she let out a small laugh "how could I not" "Well why don't we go say hi" smirked Miyuki then started to walk towards the green haired male "I guess" Akita shrugged then followed the male.

"Your name is Kuramochi right?" asked miyuki as he approached the male and Kuramochi turning around to face the brown haired male.

"you just have fast legs don't you?" miyuki teased "EHH" Kuramochi let out and went to grab the brunet with a annoyed expression. "What the hell, Do you wanna fight" threatened Kuramochi bringing miyuki closer by the collar. "But you have an interesting play" said Miyuki
Kuramochi gave him a confused look, then Miyuki started to laugh and that just made kuramochi even more confused.

But before anything else could be said between the two, the sound of foot steps and shouts were heard approaching the two. Akita had gotten side tracked talking and meeting Zono and the guy who she thought was a squirrel named Kawakami that she didn't even notice the twos qurrierl until Zono pointed it out. "What's wrong?" Fighting?" Zono exclaimed as he turned to the two males and started to run to them with Kawakami and Akita on his heels.

Shirasu had got to them first and put a hand on Kuramochi's shoulder " stop it you two" he said as the trio approached them.

Kuramochi had let go of Miyuki and turned to Shirasu to say that they weren't fighting and while Miyuki was still laughing Akita walked right next to him and wacked his side, Miyuki immediately stopped laughing and turned over in pain

"Teme I told you that this isn't how you make friends" she said folding her arms and glaring at Miyuki

"oi oi don't fight here this is a baseball field you know" shouted Zono

"then tell him to leave me alone" said Kuramochi pointing at Miyuki who had recovered and still had a smirk on his face. " just stop" glared Akita Miyuki laughed "your the one being annoying" he said "children" akita murmured.

She decided to end their arguing and introduce herself to the green haired male.

"Hi I'm Oikawa Akita nice to meet ya" she smiled and pushed Miyuki off to the side the boy glared at her in response.

Kuramochi was at awe he didn't pay much attion to his team mates but now he wished he had this girl in front of him was remarkable beautiful smile, beautiful golden eyes, beautiful black hair everything about her was remarkable as he eyed her a little bit. Miyuki watched as Kuramochi started to turn red and let out a sigh this happened any time the two meant someone of the opposite sex and it was annoying.

"I-I'M Kuramochi Youichi" he let out Akita chuckled
"then can I call you mochi then?"
"I-I mean I guess"
"really thank you" Akita gleamed Kuramochi continued to stay red when Akita tried to talk to him as the group walked to the dorms to get ready for dinner.

As they split off to their dorms Akita had the satisfactory, the coach and Rei-chan didn't think it was proper for a girl to share a room with two other guys so her dorm was by Asou's and the retired third years dorms upstairs. It was large for one person she had a desk by the door and a bunk bed and a book self, clothes rack by the bed and a small t.v and it also came with a bathroom so she didn't have to shower with the boys.

At dinner they the first years had gotten to know each other and and Akita found out she shared classes with Kawakami and Shirasu in class 1-C she had teased Miyuki about being in a higher class then him. But when it came two eating their meals it was harder then it look especially when you had a sempai watching your every move. Akita was lucky she got 2 1/2 bowls of rice down but the others not so much

"ya move your chopsticks faster first years" yelled Jun as he stood at the end of the table by Kuramochi who was struggling to swallow his rice

"ha ha ha eat more come on" laughed Azuma as he watched from the other side of the table.

It took everyone sometime to eat those three bowls Akita even saw Miyuki sneak some of his rice onto Zono's already full bowl when the sempais weren't looking. She let out a sigh after finishing and walking to her dorm she looked up at the darken sky man was this going to be one hell of a ride she thought.

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