A Christmas to never forget

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"Oneesan come on get up" whined a southpaw

Akita let out a sigh as she rose up from her bed. Looking at the time then to her door.

"Cub it's like 3am..." she started opening the door

There Eijun stood in his winter coat golden eyes beaming.

"I know but look it's snowing" He exclaimed before pointing to the ever falling snow

Akita shivered as she looked out to the snow that was building up. She laughed

"You know what that means" She smirked

Eijn smirked in return "I'll wake the others"

"K leave Kuramochi to me and we'll wake Miyuki up together" she said as she started to gather warmer clothing

"Hai Senpai, I shall start to retrieve the others" Eijun saluted before running off

After a few minutes of Akita getting warmer clothing on and walking to Eijuns dorm.
The southpaw was able to wake Haruichi and his dorm mates and Chris and Kanemaru.

Akita chuckled as she heard yelling from upstairs. She lightly knocked on the door before entering it.

When she got in she looked to see both Masuko and Kuramochi sleeping away.

Akita went to Masuko first, she leaned down a whispered in his ear.

"Masuko senpai someone stealing" she said
The older teen grumbled as he went to turn away from the girl. Akita rolled her eyes 

"their here to steal your pudding" she said a little louder

Akita watched as he gave a small jolt and woke up


Masuko looked around the room then was surprised to see Akita standing by him.
Akita chuckled "sorry Senpai no one's taking any pudding but I need you to come outside"

Masuko gave her a questioning look. Akita smiled before whispering the nights plan in his ear.
He looked up to the girl and gave a shiver before he agreed and got ready.

But before Masuko left he contaplid leaving Akita with Kuramochi.

"Don't worry I'll be right out"

Masuko nodded closing the door behind him. Akita smirked as she looked to the top bunk.

She gave herself a light giggle before climbing up the later and leaned over Kuramochi. She reached her hand over to the boys side a tazed him


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