Chapter 18

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Akita let out a yawn has she left her dorm. It was still early in the morning but she wouldn't doubt most of the team was already up. She made her way to the cafeteria but wasn't able to make it passed the door.



Suddenly Akita was met with a flash of brown hair and blue. "oomph" She let out as she was hugged.

"We were looking for you!" Said the southpaw

"Hai" Furuya said

"That mean Tanuki wouldn't catch our pitches" Eijun whined hugging the girl

Akita chuckled as she patted their heads "and you thought I would?"

"Hai" Furuya said looking at her as his Aura came out

"Oi let her go now its time to eat" Testu said walking over to them

Both Furuya and Eijun instantly let go of the female and stood up straight to face the captain.

"Hai Leader-senpai" Eijun saluted

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