Chapter 7

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Thursday Evening

As the team was transitioning from eating dinner to their night practice Akita and Kuramochi were swinging their batts and Miyuki was helping the pitchers with their throws. As they were in the middle of batting a voice was heard calling for them.

"OI first years we're having a meeting" Jun said holding his bat with Testu behind him.

As everyone gathered in the cafeteria to discuss who would be playing tomorrow and the information they had on the opposite teams. One of their teammates stood in the front with the Coach as he started to talk about the first team they were going up against.

"Fukurodani's players are known to be precise when swinging, knowing the right time to hit a pitch." Then he went on to to talk about their pitchers.

"Their Ace is known for his variety of pitches but if he stays consistent with one pitch more then others I think or batters can het a hit or two."

Everyone nodded and chatted about how to take down this school and what techniques to use. Then came the time talk about their next opponent Inashiro. Akita leaned forward from where she sat by Miyuki and Kuramochi to hear clearly just how Inashiro played.

"Inashiro has recently has gotten some new members some first years already on their official line up"

"Tch, their just first years " one of the third year players said. The guy next to him nudged him and whispered "dude have you looked out our line up" gesturing to the trio that made the first string.

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