Chapter 1

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The Oikawa family a caring and wonder family that was known throw-out their family tree for being involved in sports. 

Their mother was a manger for her volleyball team in high school even helping them reach the top four at nationals and their father is assistant coach for one of japans most famous pro teams. Even in his second year of high school was able to got to nationals with the one and only Soul Ace Kataoka Tesshin.

 As for their children they grew taking interests in sports that their parents did, Tylor the oldest had started to get into baseball during his second year of elementary.

Then came Toru by watching volleyball  competitions on t.v from around the world he got himself into volleyball he even got his childhood friend into it.
 Then there was the youngest Akita, she didn't know what sport to do.
Sure her parents supported whatever she did but her father knew it would be more difficult for her to play baseball so he nudged her to play volleyball during her elementary years.

With the help of Toru and Iwaizumi she got the hang of volleyball but it never excited her. She grew playing volleyball (wing spiker) for her school, but when she got to her first year of junior high some things changed, when her and her brother visited their aunt and uncle in kokubunji city  in Tokyo for the summer before her first year.

One afternoon Akita spent the day tossing a ball her brother had given her before he left to train in America with the dodgers,
she was just aimlessly throwing the ball in a empty lot trying different tricks had she done to escape Toru.

When suddenly in the distance she heard a voice yell "Hey! You!" Akita was startled when she saw a figure running towards her from a distance. The Figure ran closer until she saw it was a boy with wild  brown hair a baseball hat and glasses, pants, a tigers team shirt and to Akita satisfactorily he was an inch or two shorter then her. 

To the boy she looked like a baseball player with her hair in a high pony with a L.A baseball cap, shirt and padded pants. He was excited to have someone to play with even if she was taller.

 "Do you want to play" asked the boy waving his mitt around Akita "sure" she shrugged "there was nothing to do" she thought   "alright" the boy shouted. 

At first it was rough since she hadn't played for real with anyone, but with the help of the boy her pitching got stronger and more consistent as they practiced, as dusk was drawing closer the two were starting to get tired of playing all afternoon
Akita took a deep breath staring to feel tired and threw one last ball that landed in the boys mitt with a loud SMACK. 

Both her and the boy were amazed "that was so cool" the boy said snapping Akita out of her trance and walking over to her

 "I didn't know I could do that" she said as she looked down at her hand. The two continued to converse until there was a voice drawing near

 "kittt-katt weearr are youu it's time to go" Toru sung out, Akita looked at her brother in the distance and sighed then looked towards the boy

 "I have to go" she said while grabbing her ball from the boys mitt

"can we play tomorrow" the boy asked Akita nodded

 "ya lets meet here around 4 ok" she said starting to walk towards her brother, 

"Wait" the boy shouted "what's your name" Akita turned around and smiled 

"Oikawa Akita and yours?" the boy puffed out his chest and said "Miyuki Kazuya."

Akita nodded "well I'll see you later Miyuki-kunthen walked towards her brother. 

As the girl walked away Miyuki smiled looking down at his mitt and thought to himself, he was so happy to have found someone who to actually play with him.

Then like that Akita spent weeks with Miyuki playing baseball and getting to know each other that's when Akita saw Miyuki's true colors as a cheeky boy with cheeky comments when she got frustrated with him or her throws. But hey they were still young and still getting to know each other so there was room to grow.

One day as Akita was waiting for Kazuya ( yes he allowed her to do so and he could use her first name in return) the boy came shouting and jumping towards her

 "Guess what Akita Guess"  said the smiling boy

 "what" she said as she chuckled "I got on a team" the boy shouted

"wow I'm happy for you now you can start your career" Akita laughed 

"well" Miyuki quietly said as he looked down shyly which shocked the girl "I wanted you to join with me so we can go to the top together"

 she chuckled at him "that would be great and all but I don't know if they would let a girl play" she shrugged 

 Miyuki's face darkened then lit up again "well then we just have to show them what their missing then" he dragged her towards his teams meet up and the rest was history.

Yes when she joined some of the teammates didn't think a girl could play baseball, there were protests there was even one incident Akita found Miyuki all beat up, and the boy claiming it was because they were saying mean things about her.
But she proved them wrong when she played with her fast balls or pinch hit two home runs during their games, when playing she had noticed that she liked to do different things in baseball

and when she had told Taylor this he smiled and patted her head and said "You will become a great all-rounder"

Her parents were happy for her even though Toru would get upset sometimes when she couldn't play volleyball with him he would pout for days but she made it up to him by making milk bread for him.
It was fun until summer came to an end and the Oikawas were planning to head back to Miyagi, that's when when Akita decided she wanted to go to school in Tokyo so she could play baseball and play with Miyuki.

Her parents where a little weary of having their baby so far away but her aunt promised to watch over the girl while she chases her dream her aunts words not Akitas and after a lot of promises to Toru to visit she was going to start a new chapter of her life.

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