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Avocado cookie woke up, with a unknown headache. She knew she was sleeping in her workplace, with Avocatapult next too her. But she ended up in a weird classroom with no pet too be found. A unknown young boy was in front of her.

"Ahh! You kinda scared me right there!" The boy said.

Avocado: "Sorry, didnt mean too. But you know where we are?"

Boy: "Its okay, and no I dont know where we are. Neither do I know where my pet is..."

Avocado: "Same, i cant find mine too. My name is Avocado cookie. And you are?"

Boy: "The name is Gingerbrave! I'm the ultimate speed-runner! Turns out everyone here has a ultimate talent. Do you also have one or?

Avocado: "I remember making weapons, so I think the Ultimate Blacksmith?"

Gingerbrave: "Okay! Let's go too the others"

Avocado: "Wait, were not the only ones here?"

Gingerbrave: "NOPE! I'll show you were they are!"

Gingerbrave grabbed the hand of Avocado and ran as fast as he could. Until they were at the Gym. And there the other were. 14 other cookies, Avocado cookie hyped up and greeted all the others.

The others greeted her back, a dark clothed cookie looked at her and approached in front of Avocado. He wanted too shake her hand, but she grabbed the cookie and hugged him tight.

Avocado: "Nice too meet you! I'm the Ultimate blacksmith, Avocado cookie!"

Dark clothed cookie: "You too. I'm dark choco cookie, Ultimate Swordfighter.

A strange voice appeared, it looked like it wasn't a cookie. But a frog, it had a white and black side. And a red eye on the black side.

Unknown frog: "I am monofroggo! The headmaster of this location! You guys are trapped here for too kill EACH OTHER! This is the first annual COOKIE KILLING GAME!"

Very aggressive for a frog, most cookies were confused. One of them, who looked like a ballet dancer even began too cry. Avocado ran too the dancer and tried too calm him down.

Avocado: "Hey! It's okay I'll protect you, so you won't die!"

Dancer: "T-thank you.."

Avocado pat the dancer. Monofroggo explained the so-called "rules"

Monofroggo: "So, here are the rules!

1: You're allowed too kill whoever you want, but two people are the maximum!

2: Iff a body is found, investigation time will be set! After the investigation time it's time for a class trial!

3: Showing violence against Headmaster Monofroggo will lead to a immediate execution!

4: Iff you get caught for killing someone, you'll be executed!

5: Nighttime is from 8 PM until 4 AM! That is time when the pool, cafeteria and outside are not available!

6: Iff a rule must be added then it will be!

7: You can do whatever you want in the dorms! Even invite opposite gendered students! You do what you want in your room, but cameras are hanging even in there for iff any murder is committed in the dorms!"

Everyone got handed a E-handbook, it was a key for everything. Iff you lost it, you couldn't get it back. Avocado got hers and she got out of the gym. The guy she helped came up too her.

Dancer: "Thank you from earlier, I'm whipped cream, the ultimate ballet-dancer."

Avocado: "you're welcome! Iff you need anything just tell me!"

Whipped cream agreed too the promise and was going on with what he wanted too do. Avocado tried too spot her dorm, a purple man showed up, trying too threaten the female.

Purple man: "Hey! What are you doing by my room!?"

Avocado: "Heh, sorry! I didnt know it was yours! What's ya name?"

Purple man: "None of your business! Get out!"

Avocado: "Okay fine! Yeez!"

Avocado wanted too go away, but the purple cookie made up his mind.

Purple man: "Ugh fine, I guess I'll help you. What do you need?!"

Avocado: "I just want too find my room. Got any clue where it is or?"

Purple man: "Every dorm has the icon of everyone on their dorm, I think I saw yours, come..."

The two got too her dorm, they were in front of hers. Avocado thanked the purple cookie.

Purple man: "Fine, I'm Purple Yam cookie, Ultimate Fighter.."

The cookie ran away as fast as he could, Avocado got into her room and layed on her bed.

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