chapter 5: daily life

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It was morning, Avocado though she was the first too wake up for her, Whipped Cream and Dark Choco. She was trying too get out of bed, but Whipped Cream had a strong grip on her arms meanwhile he was sleeping, and Dark Choco was holding her hand while he was sleeping.

She leaned forwards, letting go off Whipped Cream and Dark Choco. They both opened their eyes, Avocado getting a bit shocked.

Whip: "You finally woke up, yay!"

Avo: "I thought you guys were still sleeping!"

Dark: "Yeah, we were waiting for you too wake up."

They both held onto one of her arms, Avocado didnt mind.

Avo: "Lets just get up already"

They let go of her and got out of bed themselves. They put their casual clothes on and all 3 got too the cafeteria. Dark Choco made coffie, Avocado and Whipped Cream sat by a table. Meanwhile the others came into the cafe, the two greeted them in tiredness.

They all had their coffie, Peppermint had tea.

Avo: "Yeah, im getting back too my room now."

Whip: "Sure, see you later"

She went too her room, but in the hallway was standing an unrecogniseable person. Could it be the mastermind?

Avo: "Hey?-"

???: "sshhhhhh"

The person looked around.

???: "Okay, what were you gonna say?"

Avo: "Are you, the mastermind?"

???: "No, im not"

Avo: "Then, who ARE you?"

Licorice Frog: "Im Licorice Frog Cookie, Ultimate unknown"

Avo: "Do you already know me or-"

Licorice Frog: "Avocado Cookie, Ultimate blacksmith. Right?"

Avo: "Yes, but how do you know"

Licorice Frog: "Its not important right now, but dont tell anyone i was here. And surely not MONOFROGGO"

Avo: "Wait, are you guys related?"

Whipped Cream was walking into the hallway coming for Avocado.

LF: "Depends, gotta go. Oh and uhhh your boyfriend is coming."

Avo: "He's not my boyfriend!"

Licorice frog had gotten back into her frog form and jumped away. Whipped Cream finally had reached Avocado.

Whip: "Hey"

Avo: "Oh, hey"

An akward silence has occurd.

Whip: "So uhhhh, wanna go back too the cafeteria?"

Avo: "Yeah, lets go"

Together, they went back too the cafeteria. Monofroggo was there.

Monofroggo: "Since you guys arent planning on killing someone, its time for a motive!"

Everyone was confused, why would we want too kill right now? At 9 AM in the morning?

Monofroggo: "The motive is: a new area has been opened! The Arena Of Commit! Its an fighting area where you can strike down your opponent. Darn, wish White Choco cookie was here now, she would have LOVED this!"

Monofroggo: "Theres also a botanic garden for anyone who wants too take care of plants, like herb!"

Monofroggo: "Need too get rid of something? Use the incinerator! Based of the one of ion's execution!"

Monofroggo: "And last, but not least. I decorated the nursing room too look more like a milk cookie healing room! Because, you know, he's a healer, and he got executed"

The rest just left the room, only Avocado, Dark Choco and Whipped Cream stayed too discuss.

Avo: "Its not related too the subject or anything, but am I the only one who saw someone with purple hair that wasnt Yam?"

Whipped Cream and Dark Choco shook their heads with a "no geasture" She let out a sigh

Avo: "When I went too my dorm , I saw them wa hanging around. They told me some random stuff and asked me iff Whip was my boyfriend. They told me not too tell anyone surely Monofroggo. I dont know why but they go by Licorice Frog cookie."

Whip: "B-boyfriend?.."

He began kinda blushing, thinking iff he would be Avocado's boyfriend once.

Dark: "Anyway, we should probably be on the lookout for the person. Maybe they know how too escape the killing game."

Avo: "Yeah, because frog is in their name?"

Dark: "Yeah."

Another awkward silence moment.

Dark: "So uh, let's go and explore a bit?"

Avo: "Sure, Whip wanna come with us?"

Whip: "Okay!"

Then the three had walked out of the cafeteria, Monofroggo was still in there drinking the whole coffee pot empty.

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