Chapter 1: deadly life (pt 1)

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Everyone went too the kitchen, it was time for the investigation.

Dark choco offered too investigate with avocado, she agreed and they investigated.

Dark choco: "Look, I found something."

Avocado looks at what he pointed too. It was the fact that the stab hole in gingerbrave's stomach is too big for the candy-cane.

Avocado: "Oh, I see. Why is there blood coming out his mouth?"

Dark looked at the dishes in the sink. Noone washed those the day before.

Dark choco: "It looks like there was poison in the sauce of our food."

That was a explanation what happened next: Mala ate the most the day before and threw up so much. Others stared too cough, did someone poison the food?

There were files given too the cookies, it said:

Body file:

Victim: Gingerbrave, Ultimate Speedrunner

Time of death: 9 PM

Injures: Stab wound in the stomach, blood flowing out of mouth.

Reason of death: emptiness

Weird, gingerbrave didnt eat much of it. How could he die instead of Mala? I mean, she ate the most out of all of us. Dark looked at the dishes once again, only one plate was dirty because of sauce. The others were sparkling clean!

Soon it was time for the class trial. Everyone was lead too a elevator. It sends people too the trial room. Everyone got in there, it was comepletely silent. The doors opened, leading too a court-looking alike room.

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