chapter 3: daily life (pt 1)

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Alot of cookies woke up by the sounds of beeps and boops coming from Ion, they're starting too malfunction slowly. Cyborg even had too share a room with him for iff anything went wrong while she wasn't there.

Cyborg: "Apologies for the noises everyone! I'll try too fix the malfunction as soon as possible!"

Croissant: "But do you know how too fix Ion?"

Cyborg: "Yeah! Iff I need help I'll just call a person who is near!"

But Cyborg didnt have any tools on her. No screwdriver, or hammer, or nail too be found! She thought that Aloe gave her a upgrade that she had weapons in her cannon, but she couldn't use it yet.

She grabbed Ion's hand like a misbehaving child and they walked too a garage room, there were all the stuff she could use. They went back too their room and fixed the bug in Ion's system. Ion was still a little exhausted but they and Cyborg got together too the library too relax.


Pomegranate had too go too Avocado's and Purple Yam's dorms too wake the two up, they slept the whole time over the sounds not noticing anything. Pomegranate gave up on Yam and got too Avocado, she stood up immediately putting on her sweatshirt she got from Whip.

Everyone went too the cafeteria, they had too discuss a meeting. The meeting that Milk prepared.

Milk: "Everyone, I know it's the fourth day were stuck in this building. And four people have died already. Gingerbrave, White Choco, Spinach and herb are down! But let's not make the same mistake as White and Herb! Like Herb already said, we should try too escape!"

Pomegranate: "I think that is a good option, maybe we can try too find exits without being noticed?"

Dark Choco: "I think we also should be careful, iff were not then there is a high chance we will turn out like White and Herb."

Whipped Cream: "Yeah, executions like those ones were fucked..."

Carrot kept complaining about the beeps and boops from Ion, she just wanted too slap that robot.

Carrot: "Ion! Iff you cant silence your beeping I swear TOO GOD I WILL-"


Ion was basically beginning too get sad, Cyborg excused herself and Ion. Carrot also left.

Avocado: "Iff more fights like these occur, maybe someone might go crazy eventually. But I trust everyone in this room, excluding yam. Too not kill anyone."

Purple yam: "I'm TRYING not too get pissed OKAY!?"

Croissant: "Try too ignore what she said k? You're doing a great job!"

Peppermint: "Okay, so... Uhm... I dont know how too begin, but does anyone actually have a plan?"

The cookies in the room discussed the plans and what would be the best case. Eventually the discussion stopped and everyone went back too doing their own thing. Whipped cream wanted too spend some time with Avocado, Purple Yam and Milk entered the walk for a small time.

The two late-joiners went of doing their own thing. It was now only Whipped cream and Avocado walking a little around. They saw Ion on the way, but they stopped malfunctioning and had red juice instead of blue juice stored in him.

Whipped cream waved at thrm, but before he could put his hand back. Ion approached him and broke his hand palm.


Whip's scream was so heard everyone came immediately! It was at the point whipped cream passed out and got brought too the nurses office.

Whipped cream: "Ugh.... What happened?"

He said when he woke up.

Milk cookie: "You fainted when Ion broke your hand palm. I wrapped it up, iff you need anything just tell!"

Whipped cream: "Thanks, it's my most user hand. It's probably gonna be hard too not use it."

Dark choco: "They are handling with Ion back there, stay here. Avocado?"

Avocado: "Yeah I'll look over him."

Dark choco: "Thank you, the rest will check."

They talked a little bit more. Avocado checked the wound again.

Whipped cream: "Its okay, the wound is healing..."

Avocado: "I.. I couldn't..."

Whipped cream: "Couldn't do what?"

Avocado: "You remember my promise? Before Gingerbrave died? Before White got executed? I promised too protect you, I failed..."

Whipped cream: "The only thing that counts is that I'm alive, right?"

Avocado: "Yeah..."

Whipped cream smiled.

Cookierun: Ovenbreak Ronpa: Oven's Worst (The Suffering Of Jay)Where stories live. Discover now