chapter 2: deadly life (pt 1)

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Investigation time was set in, Mala went with Avocado too investigate. They looked at where the hook came from. There was a stage above the show-stage. From there you could launch the hook. It was fully covered in blood. There was a door that you could from. They opened that door.

There was nothing, only a balcony too the library and a ladder too go down with. The doorknob of the door too the library was bloody though. They opened the door too there, the place was bloody. It looked like a bloodbath! Even a vampire would not be able to drink all of the blood.

There was a knife, but not just any normal one. It was too cut plants with, that's quite suspicious. The who cookies that were missing came back, but not for no reason. But too tell the two girls too go to the trial elevator. The four got too that elevator together.

The other cookies waited for the four too come back at the elevator. Then, they all got in and got too the trail grounds.

Avocado's thoughts: "Oh boy, too be back at the trial grounds sucks. I mean, the last time White choco got insane. Cant blame her though, but what it the next culprit goes crazy too?"

The elevator stopped at the destination, the trial grounds. Now Avocado knew what Dark Choco meant with 'Paintings'. There were black and white photos taken of the dead cookies. Then there was a cross painted over their faces with pink paint. The class trial began...

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