𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚

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𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒘𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘𝒔

"Azade my love please make me the happiest man in the world and-" "I really like what you've done to me I can't really explain it I'm so into you..." and that ladies and gentlemen was my alarm clock interrupting the man of my dreams as he was  about  to propose to me! Argh I hated mornings! "Whee! Azade don't you have a job interview to attend njeng'ba ulele nje?" cutting my train of thought was my one and only friend in this goddamn city Savela Mzana, "Thanks Vela I was a little bit lost in my world ndik'xelele" "Heeh you've got to be kidding me unexesha loba 'lost in your world' eJozi? While you have no job? I wonder what would uBab'Nzimande say xekubona ungena kwakhe with your tail between your legs without a degree especially since they know you as a graduate mnkm" That was enough to get me moving, I quickly showered and got dressed in a white blouse and a long black pencil skirt with black pumps. I quickly undid my Bantu knots and combed through my thick forest of hair, one glance at the mirror I knew I was ready. Getting out of my room into the kitchen I was greeted by the smell of burnt eggs "Savela you know you can't cook to save your life leave the cooking to me and wena continue reminding me that 'life-' " "life is not those Danielle Steel novels that you spend your days reading life is no unicorns and rainbows, ewe ewe I get your point but you know I only mean good" " Yebo ngiyakwazi lokho but manje I've got to run or else I'll be late for my interview bye s'thandwa Sam." "Break a leg on that interview and remember Azade is one beautiful thick bitch who let's no hoe belittle her" with that I closed the door of our apartment with the intention of not disappointing Vela I mean that  girl has been with me through thick and thin, you see we met at varsity as Roomates while I was studying Computer science she was doing her LLB degree and it happened that NSFAS fucked us up and we were kicked off res into the busy  dangerous streets of Johannesburg and through Savela being an escort which is something I didn't even know until that day. We had food on the table and a roof over our heads. I didn't have the courage to tell my parents back at Ulundi that I've been kicked out of res as my father was against my choice of studying, he wanted me to study medicine which I didn't like so through my mother's persuasion he let me be 
and here I was going to a job interview as a pa in an overloaded taxi it's karma right? I'm sure its karma I mean if I hadn't went against my father's wishes, right now I'd be on my way to attend a lecture. "Sesi wehh! Isn't this your stop or ufuna ngivaye nawe?" "Ahh sorry bhuti sorry..." "Phuma phuma girlie ngijarhile Mina!" Trust South African taxi drivers to be rude for no reason. Taking a glance at my watch I saw that I still got time so I decided to buy coffee from a street vendor because I didn't eat this morning.  Going towards Joburg CBD while drinking my coffee and bantase the coffee was soo mngcaa! that I didn't see the wall standing infront of me hayi wait wall? How in a sidewalk? Taking a step back and looking up I came face to face with a broad back that had half of my coffee, could this day be any crappier than it is? "wtf!" Said thee most deep and sexy voice I've ever heard looking up I saw that the back has turned and the view at the front was amazing, astonishing it was just yhoo! "You might as well take a picture, it lasts longer" that brought me out of my day dreaming"sorry sir I didn't mean to have my coffee on your back even though it was you who was standing in the middle of the road" before the strange man could answer my alarm went off reminding me that I had to go so I did what anybody would have done "askies bhuti nee but I've got to go ngiya xolisa nge sutilakho" running towards the humungous skyscraper I felt like a giant ant infront of that building yikes getting in I quickly rushed into the reception and yhoo bantase everything was spotless , everyone was busy and dressed so formally that I was questioning the way I'm dressed "Good morning my name is Portia and welcome to Ndlovu Corp how can I help you" said the receptionist with a polite smile "hey my name is Scheherazade Nzimande and I'm here for the 8oclock  job interview" "ohhk Ms Nzimande please sign here for me and then got to the 30th floor there you'll find Mrs Greenfield who will assist you" "thank you" as I was signing  suddenly the whole building was quiet and the atmosphere was tense turning my back I saw a figure getting into the elevator that's when everyone let out a breath of relief that must be the boss .
Walking towards the elevator I pressed it and waited for it to open and finally it did and let me tell you it was the longest boring elevator ride I've ever had. When it dinged it was as if air was pushing me out of the elevator, walking towards the reception desk with a name tag that reads Mrs Greenfield before I could introduce myself and greet her she said "Hello Miss Nzimande as much as I would love to exchange greetings with you I can't cause  Mr Ndlovu has been waiting for you and he doesn't like to be kept waiting so go ahead and knock dear"and with that Mrs Greenfield went back to what she was doing and I was left to prep myself . Taking a deep breath I walked towards the door that had MR NKOSINATHI NDLOVU engraved to it in gold letters and knocked and a deep voice said I could enter. Entering the door I was quickly blown away by the interior of the office it had grey walls and a small bar at my left next to it was a very disorganised book shelf moving my eyes to my right I saw a leather couch and a small glass table underneath it was a fluffy white carpet a I was still mesmerized by my surroundings someone cleared their throat and looking towards where the sound came from I got the shock of my life, siting behind a big brown mahogany desk that had papers scattered all over it with two chairs in front of it  was the guy I bumped into on my way here shit was I in pits. I fake coughed to ease the tension in the room in a way and he spoke and said "Nice to see you again coffee girl do take a sit of course " siting down I said "Hello coffee guy" hayi don't look at me like that what was I supposed to say mhh? He chuckled and said"please tell me about yourself and what would you bring into Ndlovu Corp seeing as you don't have the proper qualifications but here you are" he rolled his eyes at the end . "My name is Scheckarazadè Nzimande. I'm a 20 year old university dropout and what I would bring into Ndlovu Corp would be loyalty, hardwork, determination and nothing but more success for this company" and he laughed as in laugh at my face right there and then I wished the ground could swallow me up then he stopped and said " who says we don't have enough of that here in Ndlovu Corp" before I could answer he interrupted me by lifting his hand and saying"seeing as at my house I'm short stuffed I'm willing to be generous and make you my new personal helper that's if you will agree but here at Ndlovu Corp there's no space for you" did my world not crumble infront of my eyes, with a heavy voice I said "thanks Mr Ndlovu I'll take the job" with that he dismissed me by saying I must take his suit to the dry cleaners and be back before 12:00am as he had to be somewhere by then with a heavy heart I walked out of his office with his jacket in my hands off I went to the nearest dry cleaner as the time was 10:30 am which meant I had an hour and half to get this suit clean and dry. By the time I was back the time was 11:55 am meaning I had five minutes to get this suit to its owner, knocking at his door he said a short enter and I said "here is your suit Mr Ndlovu" without looking at me he said "Sir is just fine and who said you can speak Miss Nzimande?"playing with my fingers I said "sorry sir" he then said"you can go home after you have cleared that shelf and placed everything in alphabetical order" after that he stood up and took his suit wore it and left and boy was he tall and handsome but soo mean. I quickly got to work as I wanted to be out of here before Ndlovu with an ant in his truck came back . By the time I finished it was 3o'clock on the dot, taking my purse I showed myself out and left Ndlovu Corp with a heavy heart, an awkward failed job interview and painful feet. To make my day more worse was the long ass taxi line in the taxi rank, I wonder why has the Lord  forsaken me, it must be the results of lying to my parents hey as I was still cooped up in my thoughts the taxi came to a stop and I got out and payed and made a beeline for our apartment and guess what I walked in to ,  it was non other than my friend slash roomate moaning her lungs out on the couch damn my day couldn't get any worse I tiptoed my way into my room and closed the door and started the shower taking my onesie and bonnet I went into the bathroom and cried and washed away today's troubles when I was done I did my hair and face routine and went to sleep with  Savela still moaning that guy must be doing her good hey, putting my earphones in and turning Anthony Hamilton's Her Heart to loud and slept.

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