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"When love visits you again don't let it pass you by because of the past because you never know, it might just work out this time and who knows maybe forever or till whenever since forever is a very long time..."
Nathi didn't finish whatever it was he was doing with me and guess what I was frustrated ke sana like lento ndiyenzwa yile ndoda indifuqa phantsi kwamabele, because everytime I tried bringing that topic up he'd simply say he is tired and he is not up for a fight. I mean nami I don't want to fight with him but I want him to hear and understand my concerns. I mean I understand that we all do what we got to do to survive especially in Ramza's economy. Ohh well we are back to being civil with each other, and the twins first birthday is coming up soon and I just can't believe it ukuthi mina loo I'm a mother of two nokwenza, but ke sesi lapha soba sathini?, I was currently video calling my friends and telling them about the birthday and Vela wouldn't be able to make it but she did promise to send a gift for her god babies, "Thuli your brother uyangi ncisha oe! I feel like I'm going to die because of salt.", I dramatically say and they just laugh at me and then Thuli said, "Mina angifuni ukuzingena", Vela rolled her eyes and said, "Zade must we teach you everything?, hewethu indoda yeyakho so do something mfethu, you see mna I don't care if my husband and I are fighting or that he is the next king, if we are fighting that's fine but he got to do right by me as his wife, soze kaloku ndilambe kodwa I have a man!! ", we all laughed at that and then Enkosi said the wildest thing ever," or you could just buy yourself a dildo or a vibrator or both I mean it's not like you can't afford it ", not the girls hyping her up and before I could even comment on that Thuli said, "As a matter of fact let me order it for you, in about a few days izofika lapho yezwa skwiza?",with that they all agreed and turned off their phones because they knew I wouldn't agree to their idea, before I could make sense of everything my phone rang, it was a call from an unknown number hybo wtf, when I picked up and said," Hello?", the person did not talk he or she just breathed into the phone, and I was growing impatient and said, "Khuluma whoever you are don't just breathe on the phone", and they just hung up on me, oh well nam angazi. Turning on some music, I decided to start on lunch because the twins would be up soon and ever since they learnt how to walk they are busy shem, they pull out everything they can and one thing about toodlers they have energy abadinwa lababantu, you'd swear ukuthi nabo badla lomgubo wez'ntwana. So for lunch I just made chicken mayo and besizoyitya nama rostile (I don't know what they are called in English nor do I know the Afrikaans spelling for them but it's a type of bread). I ws still in the zone ke sana and For Mo by The Brother Moves On was playing and I was moving my body to the song, Afro Jazz is such a beautiful and cool vibe I tell you and when the song came to an end as I was about to go with my dishes to the patio, a clap sounded and it was none other than Nathi, so all this time he was watching oh well nothing new there, I just said, "Hello to you too Ndlovu, ngicela ungisize uze nengane zakho sizo kudla.", he smiled and said, "Yebo Mama.", yazi guys AmaZulu nalo 'yebo mama' asezosibulala ngelinye ilanga because wow sana! Smoothly Nathi placed the kids on their highchairs as I placed their food infront of them and I sat down to eat. No words were exchanged, just cutlery with the help from the babies was doing the talking. That's when I decided to clear my throat and speak, "So Nathi I was thinking for the twins birthday we should do something small and intimate, what do you think?", all this time he was looking at me and listening how I wish most of our conversations were like this but ke soba sathini. He then said, "Noma yini mawengan'zam mina anginankinga, but did I tell you how beautiful you look muntuwami? Uyindoni yamanzi smomondiya sam ngempela oNdlovu bang'busisa ngawe phela wena ngak'cela enkosini wena uyisibusiso kim and I just wanna also make it clear that even if we are not on good terms I love you and I wouldn't do this with anyone but you, so ngivumele mama ngithumele incwadi kwa bab'Nzimande ngicel'ubhlobo obuhle, ngivumele mama ngikwenze owam ngok'phelele ngoba mina sengingowakho ngok'phelele, ma wengan'zam ngivumele ngingene entliziyweni yakho, besengicela ungenze indoda emadodeni ungishate mama... " by now Nathi was on one knee by my side with the kids cheering their father, traitors those ones I tell you and I was a teary mess as I nodded my head because words were failing me, and then Nathi spoke," yisho phela mama, uyangi faka noma uyangikhipha? ", laughing I said, "Ngiyak'faka Gatsheni", "Mus'ukukhala ke MamNdlovu woza indoda iqabuze", That's when I heard clapping and realized our parents were already here and so was Thuli and Enkosi, hybo these girls, not even a hint nyana to dress for the occasion I mean I was wearing a slip on brown dress no bra, bare foot and my hair was in a messy bun soze ngibaxolele shem and they were taking pictures!!!

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