𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒖𝒔
Azade fainted, shocking right? Well it's the truth she like flat out fainted. Dr Mavuso just laughed and said "Trust my friend for the dramatics but on more serious matters there is something unusual with Azade's pregnancy but I'll look further into it and I don't want to tell her as it will stress her which is not good...oh another thing break her heart again and It'll be your balls stru naz" I gulped due to the seriousness of her voice damn she even sounded like mom. I need to do background check on her. Clearing my throat I said "so... should I wait for her to wake up or I could take her home ?" She looked at me and laughed and said "I'd advise you not to wake her as she needs the rest so let her be and I know you can carry her to the car vele vele those muscles should be put into use and there is no other greater way than this one." I did as the doc said and drove out of there with Azade asleep on the back seat with a throw on her that we got from Dr Mavuso.

Ever lived with someone but without speaking with them like you do your thing and they do theirs njee? That was my current predicament with Nathi since he decided to invite himself back into my house, I just didn't want to speak to him after finding out that I'm expecting twins like twins not one but two babies yhoooo! So...two heads will come out of my nton nton on the same day yhoooo! Like I've spoken to Thuli about this and she says I'm being petty but ha a why did Nathi put two babies in me yhoo! Other than sulking I've been horny and Nathi is not doing me any justice by being hot yhoo! How I wish to swallow my pride or something else like...hayi nevermind.

Other than being horny there was this weird feeling as if something very bad is about to happen or maybe I'm just being paranoid. It is as if someone is hiding something from me or maybe I'm hiding from something njee it's weird like that, how I wish I could confide with someone who would understand stand someone like Vela or my mother... Life has really took a drastic change. With these broken bonds and babies on the way I've really grown up. I mean not so long ago I remember Vela and I struggling to make meet ends but now I'm on my way of being as rich as a mother fucker damn life is really full of surprises.

I was currently washing dishes njee just to kill time as the gallery was closed for sometime and Nathi was working in the lounge looking like a snack and guess what baby daddy wears spectacles yhoo!
Since I was bored I decided to eat and now I was trying to reach the cookie jar that I have and don't even remember putting it that high and my growing belly is not make things easy for me. I even wanted to cry. I suddenly felt Nathi behind me he grabbed the jar for me and he was smelling so good. I was still in my thoughts when I felt a kiss on my neck and it did things to my body. I tried shrugging Nathi off but my body had a mind of its own. I felt Nathi's hand trailing down from the middle of my back until they settled down on my ass and then Nathi said " Zadè I know you're mad at me right now and I wish I could say I am sorry but hayi I'm not because its nature taking its course and we are having two kids, two mini you's and me's , a combination of us ,so... yeah be mad as much as you want I'm not sorry for my kids who are growing within you... Ohhh another thing next week we are going to KZN." I was just shocked, It was as if a bucket of cold water has been thrown at me, I mean not so long ago ebengincenga manje he's not having any of it mnkm sihambe sizenza!, I decided to ask him " are you asking me or telling me?, Well ke bhuti mina angiyilapho " He chuckled that deep chuckled that one makes when there is no room for arguments, making me clench my thighs, while Nathi was turning me to face him with his hand on my neck squeezing it lightly making me moan he said directly in my ear in a deep throaty whisper" Ngiyak'tshela MaNzimande and if I have to drag you there then I will uthanda ungathandi siyahamba mina nawe" and he started kissing my ear biting it on the process and my breathing started changing and he still had his hand on my neck and another one on my ass. Still lost in his kisses he said "do you have any objections mi lady ?" Trying to answer, key word 'trying' I said " yeah...Ahh!" I felt my ass being slapped mid sentence hehehe yhaa no he's had enough of my sulking . He spoke again and said "I'll ask again, are there any objections mi lady?" quickly answering I said "No" he smiled and said "good", and left me hanging just like that. I was dumbfounded like that yhoo sihambe siqoma damn. But on an honest note I'm not ready to go back to KZN I mean ngizo fikelaphi? Angithi uMa wang'xosha manje ngizokwenza njani and wtf does Nathi want in KZN that involves me yes he can go to his home but Mina angingeni moss lapho mnje why ezo hamba nami?. Ayi let me call Thuli ngigowe naye. Thuli's phone rang for sometime and then she picked up, "sawubona Zadè", her voice sounded as if she has been crying "sawubona shoym how are you, you sound as if uyakhala Wassup?" It was as if I've given her more reason to cry because she just cried more into the call. "You know what Thulz just send me your location and I'll be there ngok ngok " she hiccuped and said"but...you..ca.. can't drive at your state you are on bed rest kaloku" tyhiini this girl "That is why kunamaUber shom so ngiyeza , location? Ngilapho." Taking my cookie jar hawu don't look at me like that I'm eating for three, I went straight to my room and grabbed one of Nathi's hoodies, my Uggs, wallet and backpack, putting in some necessities likes toiletries, PJs and CV's for tomorrow. Going to the lounge I found Nathi on the same spot busy on his PC but he glanced at me as soon as he felt my presence and I said "Uhm...I've got to go maybe ngizobuya k'sasa or whenever my Uber is on its way sure." I said with an attitude attempting my way to the door bare in mind attempting because by the time I reached the door my back was on the wall and Nathi had my hands over my head in a tight grip, why didn't y'all tell me ukuthi ngihlala no Flesh Mhhm? Cause all this happened so fast I can't explain. Still shocked and trying to free my hand from Nathi he said more like whisper shouted , "Azade don't test me! where are you going when you know damn well ukuthi you are on bed rest mhhm? And better get rid of that attitude before I fuck it out of you.", "Did he say fuck it out of me damn I like the sound of that.", "hayi marn Azade I'm being serious here" yhoo! "I said that out loud?" He chuckled"yes you did now tell me ukuthi uyaphi?" Deciding to stop being a bad bitch ya 2 minutes I explained everything to him by the time I was done my Uber was cancelled and he was taking me to Thulz himself and he seemed more affected than I was hee futhi come to think of it u Thulz kinda has a resemblance with Nathi but maybe yimi angazi.

So after Azade's fainting I moved back into her crib vele vele it was a crazy Idea to move out kwasek'qaleni but ke bengincemga back then. I've been looking into what my parents said about me being a triplet and the good news is that I've found my sister and she's non other than Thulz yes as in Azade's Thulz but I've been having difficulties finding my brother it is as if he just doesn't want to be found but I think Azade can help me with that but I'm not ready to be honest with her but soon I will as we have to do the cleansing ceremony before people start dying left right and centre. I haven't told Thulz that we are siblings but I'm planning on doing that but first I need to tell Azade the whole truth when she's done being mad at me for planting "two big heads" into her ewesi it's not my fault that her womb is welcoming and her honey post is so warm and sweet damn I might take her up on that offer of fucking that "I am the bad bitch" attitude out of her by the way she's acting you'd swear that she's the one having the mood swings and then morning sickness but no I'm the one.
Dedication: BuhlebethuDube and Anellehmwelase
Mega love to you guys ❤️♥️♥️♥️❤️

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now