𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚

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𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆

You know I never understood why Savela would say "good dick can turn the ugliest duckling into a swan" until now everytime I glanced into the mirror I see this light in my eyes that was not there before. Everyday I wake up with this new found confidence in myself. My skin is glowing in a different way and the curves just multiply in the right places and I got to say hayi inkabi yakwa Gatyeni iyakwazi ukuhlaba straight! He gives me so great that even now I was struggling to get out of bed begoz ya no ungidlile lomfo. I limped my way to the bathroom glancing at my reflection I was marked! Bathong! I didn't even notice  Nathi when he was planting these hickey's yhaa no I'm dicktamized if that's even a word. Still in my thoughts my phone rang, looking at the phone ID it was Nathi I wonder kwenzenjani "Gatsheni" yhaa no ngidlisiwe! "wakwam awu mase ungibiza kanjalo ngase ngibese caleni kwakho! Besengicela simomondiya Sam uzilungiselele I'm sending someone up whose taking you shopping for a dress for the launch of the new building and you are using my card and I'm not taking no for an answer" damn! Nkosinathi knew very well ukuthi I'll refuse that's why he just came out of the blue with this whole thing "ok Gatsheni"," hawu! Laze lawa ilanga lacoshwa zinkukhu, my Zadè not arguing with me just agreeing with me hawu asbonge!" Rolling my eyes at Nathi's dramatics"I mean it's not like I have a choice" Nathi chuckled athat deep chuckle that makes my senses just go wild and then he said "let me see...nah you don't see you when I get home" dropping the phone I continued trying to get rid of the hickeys vele people don't need to know ukuthi I was on cloud nine the whole night. I was still covering myself when the door bell rang"coming!" Quickly getting to the door I opened it and came across a very well dressed guy ok this is new Nathi letting a guy come over and choose clothes for me hehehe I wonder... before I could welcome the guy he just welcomed himself and said "Sawubona nawe Azadè I'm Sipho but you can call me Gift and damn! Are you one smoking hot curvy chocolate delight I'm gonna have so much fun dressing you up... Are you ready so we can go there's a lot of shopping and fitting to do " yhooo! I know ukuthi ngiyakhuluma but uSipho takes the cup. " Yes I'm ready so yeah...." The eyes he gave me tltltl "what? Why are you looking at me like I've grown another head?" He dramatically clapped his hands and said" honey are you sure ukuthi you have any relations to Nathi I mean you got the beauty and the body if I wasn't gay I'd sure tap that but your dress type has to go like you need to change out of those baggy pants and t-shirt come show me your closet" I lad the way to my room showing him my closet he rampaged through it and came out with a white bubbly off the shoulder cropped top which I honestly don't remember buying and some black ripped off mom jeans which I also didn't know I had, me and Nkosinathi need to have a serious talk about him buying me stuff. He also took out my black Nike air Force and pushed me into the bathroom bathong! I changed into the outfit and decided to let my braids out of the bandana kaloku sijola...I mean we are entangled nabantu aba wild at night so we gotta protect our hair through all that wildness. Coming out of the bathroom Gift gave me an approving smile and pulled me out of the house and off we went shopping. 

I'd have to die and resurrect to go shopping with Sipho again like angizi! Yebo ngiyavuma my style is outdated and Sipho really restyled me but yhoo if it was up to him he would reside inside that mall I swear, I mean mogurl took me from one shop to the other and the way I'm so tired it is as if I climbed mount Kilimanjaro and came back then to top it off he wants no he demanded that I wear heels I mean that's not me I Azade Nzimande doesn't wear heels no matter what!  But on the positive side of things he really turned me into my own version of Marilyn Monroe like I was so beautiful that the girl looking back at me was a stranger in my eyes. Growing up I've never really seen myself as this beautiful person and even now I'm still not sure if this is really me like if this is a dream then please don't wake me up. Sipho really knows how to transform someone. I was still in awe of the girl in the mirror that I didn't even  hear Sipho leave nor did I hear Nathi entering the house or the closet I just saw him as he  stood by me and I was now looking at a reflection of him and I, a reflection of us...so picture perfect that I wondered would we ever be more than just whatever this is but only time will tell. Starring at his eyes he smiled and said coming closer to me "sometimes I wish you could see yourself in my eyes, in my eyes you are the perfect picture that I'm still painting, from your beautiful face to those perfect breasts that shall nurture a nation of strong warriors, to your perfect hips , thighs and legs made for carrying God's precious cargos, for dancing your way into a lover's heart and for standing your ground when cold winds try to shake and reshape you...but what's most beautiful is that heart with its own steady rhythm, it is beautiful for its courageous ways and most importantly it is strong to withstand storms that are yet to come." as soon as he was done I felt very naked infront of him he had just found and captured me in ways no one has ever been able too, he had just reached me in the deepest depths of me in just a few words, come to think of it this man has grown on me so much that I don't see life without him crazy right but that's love...wait did I say love? So that's it l Azade Nzimande is in love with her own boss fucked up neeh. Waving a hand infront of my face Nathi was able to cut through my train of thought and I did the most bravest thing I've done so far I pulled him closer and kissed him we fought for dominance for a while but as soon as Nathi squeezed my ass I gave up and the kiss was gonna turn into a make out session if I didn't push Nathi and say "Mr Ndlovu we will be late for the launch and it's not good for business for the host to be late at his own party" the I walked out making sure to catwalk my way out of there.

Getting to the venue the paps where going wild yhoo I'm sure by the end of this night I'll be blind. Nathi's driver got out and opened the door for him while his bodyguard where making their way towards the car. Nathi came to my side and opened my door and helped me out of the car and the paps went more crazy and they were starting to overwhelm me. Lost in my mind Nathi squeezed my hand and said "breathe and just look down don't mind what they are saying" I just nodded my head and held Nathi's hand like my life depended on it. As we were going towards the entrance questions were thrown in our direction"Mr Ndlovu what happened to Miss Williams is it true that you cheated?","Who are you with?", "Is she the girl you cheated with?","Is it true that she is pregnant?" Yhooo this people as I was still trying to rap my head around these bizarre questions Nathi came to a halt and spoke"The women I'm with is my inner peace, is she pregnant? Maybe maybe not*shrugs while smiling* Did I cheat? Ask Miss Williams that will be all for today ladies and gents have a great evening." After that we proceeded with our way. The venue was spontaneous njee. The night was nice speeches and cheers were made, congratulations were in order. Everything was going nice until a Drunk Mkhize stumbled onto the stage and said" Hey Zadè did you know that u man's Lo wakho made a bet with me on you and guess what he won and got most of this place" then he laughed and the room started mumbling when I looked at Nathi he looked nonchalant and I just saw the same Nathi who belittled me back at the job interview.  That's when I picked up my dress and made my way to the back door, upon arrival I ordered an Uber and as soon as it arrived I got in and that's when the Zambezi in my eyes rolled down my cheeks freely. I am such a fool I mean what did I think that a successful, handsome businessman like Nathi would love a girl like me what a joke. To make things more painful this heart of mine had fallen for him and to him it was all a bet yeah nee. Wiping away my tears as soon as the car came to a halt infront of his building, I paid and went on my way. Getting upstairs with a blurry  vision I went straight to my so called room and started packing everything I came with and those I bought with the money I had worked for. I swear I had the speed of Flash because almost everything that was mine was packed the only thing left were my toiletries. Going into the bathroom I removed my make up and the dress and made braids in my hair and washed then wore some leggings and an oversized sweater and a beanie. I was so consumed in packing that I didn't hear the door opening and as soon as I was pulling my suitcases I came face to face with the devil himself, the man who stole my heart just break it. I tried passing him but he blocked me and looked up at him with all the hurt my heart was feeling and said" Angithi you won the bet so suka bhuti endleleni" he reluctantly moved out of the way passing the lounge I placed his car keys , house keys and black card on the table and made my way to the door. Trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge and when I glanced at where I placed my house keys they weren't there but in Nathi's hand and he made his way to me and said" You think I'll just let you go hahaha poor naive Azade , remember I made you so you can't leave me so both of us will be stuck in this room until we talked it out" and the he folded his hands and went to sit down. I was fuming "Nkosinathi Ndlovu I don't give a fuck if you made me or what Angithi you made me and got something in return now let me go in peace there's nothing to talk about and funny thing is that my heart had to fall for your facade so please just let me go Ohhh and I quit " He looked at me again and laughed and said" Oksalayo awuyi ndawo" the he got up and went to his study. Hehe this guy was testing me but thanks to Vela's sticky situations shenanigans I knew how to open a door using Boby pins and that's what I did and ran out of there like my life depended on it and as soon as I got down stairs  my Uber was already waiting for me and I got in and it left.

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