𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭

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𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆

After leaving Nathi's I left Jozi.
Arriving home brought a series of emotions and being in my mother's arms was just what I needed. Having to explain what happened in Jozi was the hardest but I knew I had to as I was all over news papers the following day and the paps digged and found out who I was. In just a span of a night. My phone was ringing non stop with calls from media houses and from Nathi that's when I decided to switch it off and dispose my sim card. My mother had my back through it all but my dad he was disappointed with me and that broke my heart more than it was.

A week passed and journalist where having fun with this whole ordeal. The villagers where not batter but worse. At that moment I wanted to just disappear. I was in my room drawing my heart out when my mother came and said "Azade I had a dream and you know my dreams are never wrong, ukhulelwe ngane yami kwaye lengane ayisona eyakho kodwa eyabaphantsi" I laughed I mean there was no way in hey I could be pregnant I mean I had just gotten my period as soon as I looked at my mom she was not laughing and that meant only one thing what she said was true and guess what she knew I would not believe her so she brought a pregnancy test and she gave it to me. Nervously I took it and went to the bathroom and took the test coming out I gave it back to her. After waiting in tense silence I saw tears roll down my mother's eyes and right there and then I knew I was pregnant. My mother looked at me with the most disappointed eyes ever and that drained me. She stood up and said "Having your face in news papers was ok cause it was gonna pass but you being pregnant is utterly unacceptable so ntwaza besengicela uqoqe onke amasakana akho ungikhwelele" and she left. My life was going down fast not only did I have a permanent entanglement with Nathi my parents wanted nothing to do with me. I guess I made my bed now it's time I lay on it. Packing my bags again I made my way out of the only place I thought would Confort me and help me rebuild myself I guess I thought wrong. I hitch hiked my way to town getting there I didn't know what to do or where to go. So I just went with my gut and rode a taxi to Cape Town. Who knew me in Cape Town? No one, who did I know there? No one. I guess this will be a new start for me for us.

Time jump

A week later...
It's been a rough tiring week first week in Cape Town and being Pregnant doesn't help in any way. Through everything though I had managed to buy myself an apartment with the money I was earning from working for whose name shall not be mentioned. Now I was left with job hunting as the money I had left wouldn't take me through the year especially now that there is a baby on the way.

I was currently puking my lungs out when my phone busted out in my bedroom yhoo whoever called akana timing! Rushing into my room I retrieved my phone before the caller could drop it "Hello" I said "Hi may I please speak to Miss Nzimande " I wonder why "It's her that you are taking to", "you are speaking to Lily Smith from the Art Gallery and I want to inform you that the Gallery wants more like needs to work with you your work is amazingly out of this world!" What! Yeeeeey! I was silent for a while still shocked " Miss are you still there?" Yhoo! " Ahm! I'm still here and I'm so excited to work with you guys so when do I start?" "About that how are about we meet on Monday" "That's great!" "Monday it is see you then bye" "bye" and the call got disconnected.

Wow! I wonder where is Vela when I'm trying to make myself proud. When I trying to get myself out of this predicament I've placed myself on. Yhoo! I miss her so much but hey, I don't have much but I still have me. And now things are looking up in a way I mean I'll be working in Lily's Galleries (Made up) I mean a whole me in a gallery! This deserves a celebration and I know just the way to.

As my apartment was still an empty hall I went to furniture shops looking for items that would make that house a home. And I found them at affordable prices that's one of the perks of being in a place that is a tourist attraction, when tourist or holiday home owners leave they sell some of their things. I was busy making a check list of the things I had bought and what I still needed to buy when I felt like I was being watched ok maybe I'm exaggerating I mean Nathi doesn't have to come this side until it's the holidays so for now I'm safe beg? Looking around for any suspicious beings I saw nothing mnxm Im being paranoid. Maybe it's because I'm hungry.

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now