Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
"I want a love that wants us to sit and talk it through, I want a love not perfect but together we can type of love, I don't want the everything roses kinda love but the one full of thorns and roses while you assure me that we are in this together kind of love, I want a love so pure and raw that we don't doubt it because its there and it speaks for itself without us explaining type of love, I want the everything type of love where you are my everything and nothing at the same time."

To say I am happy would be an understatement, I am a ball of all the happy, joyful emotions under the sun. Yes I am scared of the future and what it holds for Nathi and I mean who knew from cleaning after this guy to being his wife and his baby mama lol, life is indeed full of surprises as Berita had said. I am currently sitting with my tribe the girls of course as the Liverpool slogan says "You'll Never Walk Alone" they have been walking this road with me as difficult as it has been they've held me down and had my back, regardless of our fall offs, I mean we all have faults one way or another as we all strive to be perfect at the end of the day we are human, so you must be wondering what we were doing so we were having a girls night for old time sake and the tea was being spilled honey!! By tea I mean that Thuli was or is happily divorced with her baby boy named Langelihle, Langa or Lihle for short and she has an Italian man who is smitten by her and can't seem to stay out of SA because of her,lol. Vela is the Queen of the Arabic kingdom and we are currently planning a trip sponsored by her of course! Her son os also cute and healthy and then we have the baby of the tribe Enkosi who is currently succefully running one if our gallery's branches in P.E no man yet or so she says, lol,and then you have me the bride to be slash mom to twins still can't rap my head around that one, remember how Nathi brusged me off abot his 'hustles' well guess who is in charge of creating fake Swiss accounts with undetectable and unbreakable firewalls? Me of course and I am sure you are asking yourself how because Nathi did not want me to be involved well when you are a women you do what makes do doable, yaqonda? So yhea life is good not perfect but good.


Nothing excites me more than being a father and someone's hubby, yes a whole me. I love being my wife's hubby. Now I'm sure you want to know how she changed my mind about the business, well all I can say is istovu siku 9 bafethu and when you are deep in it you find yourself saying yes to everything because the couchie is that good but I have no regrets at all, I mean Zade has been the girl she thinks and knows she is from day one and I am one lucky person to have met her and I am God's favorite because now I get to spend forever and whenever with her, isn't that great? But now we seem to have a brewing problem, remember Natasha my ex Natasha apparently she had a baby and the baby is as black as it can be well colored if we can put it at that now the problem is Natasha is with a very crazy whote due and apparently they are married but the baby os not his and apparently I am the only black dude Natasha has been with so as much as I am God's favorite I am also his most fucked child because that guy is about to rain terror on me and my family but he can try I am ready but my biggest concern is my wife, how will she take these news, will she accept the child? Ohh another twist to this whole thing Natasha has already dropped the baby off at the Ndlovu crib in Joburg and my housekeeper Miriam is watching over the kid, and I have to tell my wife about the baby, in the nut shell I am screwed...

Hey loves I've been gone for a while... One of the reasons is that when I started to write this book I was using it as a copping mechanism as I had just lost a loved one, long story short time went by and then I had to move from home to a different province for school and that was not smooth at all but now I think I've found my feet...but thank you so much for not giving up on me and this book and for the likes and votes ❤️

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