Chapter 22

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"Dark days are like a thief in the night, they approach you silently, slowly and patiently... And finally when you are at the peek of your happiness when you least expect it, things start spiraling out of control like a roller coaster and you can't help but look for something to grasp on to, you can't help but to look for that happiness that you once felt and can't help but just pray and hope for better days but when you look ahead they seem so far yet so near as if you can take your hand and reach out to them but even your limbs at the time fail to respond to your mind because dark days have struck and you are stuck. "

Slowly I was drowning, I couldn't breathe and then like magic... I found myself back at the river with Nathi's grandmother but this time around she was holding a baby in a blue blanket.... Dear lord may it not be what I think it is... She was smiling but her smile didn't reach her eyes like the first time I saw her it was as if her smile was clouding a pain only known by her or maybe I'm reading too much into it and then she spoke and said... "Nkanyezi forgive those who have wronged you allow your heart to heal free the anger that is within you because that is not who you are, you see this baby I'm carrying is the third twin but he couldn't cross over to the other side maybe you are wondering why... Well for starters a life for a life... " heee! I couldn't let her finish what she was saying before speaking and saying," Mana Gogo ufuna ukungitshela ukuthi le ngane uyiphethe ngesandla ngeyami kwaye ayificanga emhlabeni ngenxa yezenzo zo makoti wenu, Gogo why did you guys give her a child knowing ukuthi she will kill the child mhh? So that mina ngizo lahlekelwa yingane, ngingakhange ngiyibone angisatsho ukuyithinta khona? " she just looked at me in a dissapointed manner and said," firstly awuzo khuluma nami ngathi wehla esihlahleni, secondly yebo a life for a life kwaye kuyafana le ingane wouldn't have been able to handle the other side, he wouldn't have lived past 16 years old somewhere down the line he would have die due to suicide or an accident so its better you cry now than later and have him as i Dlozi elizo letha ukukhanya ezimpilweni zenu, i Dlozi elizo vikela futhi likhokhele indlela yengane zenu lezi eziphilayo nezinye ezizayo, ngane yami vula intliziyo wamukele ubizo ngoba lendlela eyakho idalelwe wena kwaye akekho munye ozoyihamba naye ngaphandle kuka Nkosinathi, now I want you to be stronger than ever and hold on to that boy even if tides and storms come ngoba you both need each other more than ever, the other will never find happiness without the other it was long written in the stars... hamba ke Nkanyezi yam uyoletha ukukhanya... " before I could say anything else I started to drown again and the river changed from being beautiful to being scary as if I was in a scene of a horror movie... before I could really drown I heard machines beeping. Opening my eyes I was greeted with my body full of wires and drips as if I'm some science experiment... In a frenzy doctors rushed in and I was soon back to sleep hoping that I'd wake up and fix everything for the sake of peace.

Meanwhile in Jozi...
The workers of Ndlovu corp where working tirelessly for an angry, arrogant, rude, supper cold and careless version of their boss with Mkhize walking around as if he owned the place. Everyone was shocked and whispering amongst themselves questioning their selves that why would their boss continue to run his company to the ground, some have even resigned as investors started to pull out, the market price of shares of Ndlovu Corp has dropped, even competing companies that have failed to beat Ndlovu Corp have been ahead of the company everything was just a mess and old workers of the e company couldn't help but pray and hope that their cold but carring boss would return and everything to go back to normal...

At the waiting room at Durban Gen

Guilt-ridden ; feeling or revealing a sense of guilt...
That is exactly how I was feeling after Dr Zulu's announcement, the maybe's were about to explode out of my head. I couldn't help but blame my self for the turn of events I mean if maybe I could have held on to this secret a little while longer maybe just maybe this wouldn't have happened maybe now we woukd be crying our lungs out over one of our own sob stories while laughing in between maybe I am the problem because even my husband is close to losing his birthright because he went on and married a runaway princess from a foreign country not an Arabic lady I mean even my mom said it that ndisisilingo somntana maybe her words were true, maybe I should just leave everyone alone maybe by doing that I'll be protecting them from the darkness that I carry with me... Yes this is what I must do, andithi bathi you do anything for your loved ones even if sometimes it hurts you, you protect them even if it's from your own self...

Like a thief in the night Savela left un-detected, nobody saw her because everyone was caught in a dilemma with their own minds... As soon as she got to the parking lot un-aware of a shadow lurking within other shadows while requesting for an and quick she felt a ping on her neck and when she reached the spot she came back with a syringe and that was it for her lights out... Quickly she was shoved into a tinted Van that quickly left as fast as it arrived and drove into the unknown... But just as nothing ever leaves the cloud a cleaner saw everything but she knew batter than to say anything about what she saw because you never know who you are crossing by talking, snitches get stitches  that's what they said and they do say that ignorance is bliss...

Thank you guys for the support and for not giving up on Perfect Curves even though umbhali umane unyamalala, how has life been bakwethu? On my side I've seen better day but yhoo sgaxa after sgaxa!😅

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