Chapter Thirteen

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Take care of the truth before it takes care of you

It is said we all have something to hide and we are also hiding from something. It is said this thing that we are hiding from it takes time and look for each and one of us slowly while we run, run so much we run out of hiding places. It chases us at its own pace while we run away from it at Bolt's speed . This thing is like a hunter and we are the hunted. When it finally caches you in its jaws escape is a far fetched dream in fact escape becomes a fantasy short lived  is it in reality. 

While driving Zade to Thuli's place my head was trying to come up with the answer to the what is wrong with Thuli question in my head. It was bothering me especially the fact that because of a secret kept by those before us ,has now become a barrier to us from doing things we would have done in situations like these for instance in this situation whoever has hurt Thuli would feel my wreath without a bat of an eye I mean that's my sister man!

Still clouded by my thoughts I heard Azade screaming "Naaaaaaathi!   Look at the road!" Quickly doing what she says there was a truck coming our way, trying to get the car back on track. It all happened so fast the car swayed on the road to an extent where the truck collided with us and the only thought in my mind was save Azade and the babies.

For better or worse that's what we said, till death do us part that was the promise between the two of us in the presence of the Lord and infront of our loved ones. They were there to witness and celebrate our so called holy matrimony. I swear your eyes twinkled with the dancing feelings you had for me or so I thought. Looking deep into your eyes I swear I saw appreciation you looked at me like I was the only woman in the room but now when the get going has gotten tougher, when the bed we made is no longer filled with roses but filled with thorns you've left me to lay alone and endure all this pain , I can hear your voice saying "inkinga zakho yezami ezam yezakho we in this for the long run" but now when the roles have been reversed and it seems those words were spoken with no meaning.

You must be wondering what am I talking about well I'm talking about Shaka Mavuso my husband well soon to be ex yep you heard right Shaka and I are getting divorced because he has been cheating on me and the women he has been cheating with is expecting not only that he wants to take her as the second wife which is something I'm against so to make things easier for them I'm filling for divorce but here is where things get complicated I just found out that I am pregnant with our first child the other child is Shaka's from a previous relationship but because when I married him I took all of him not parts of him Ntlakanipho is also my child but since I know how Shaka can be and how dirty he can play to have things go his way I know he will take away my parental rights which will hurt but ke it is what it is but how ironic that Shaka will have children that are months apart from different women but I think I'll keep my pregnancy a secret and then after the divorce I'll just disappear and start somewhere else I mean Azade did it why can't I but for now let's get this divorce over and done with.

I was still within my emotions when the news reporter announced that Nkosinathi Ndlovu has been involved in an accident that involved a truck and all victims have been rushed to hospital which are a pregnant woman, the truck driver and Mr Ndlovu himself I was still shocked when my phone rang quickly picking up" hello" I said there was silence for some time and then the other person said " Am I speaking to Thuli?" shocked "yes you are speaking to her" "Ahm Miss Thuli we found your number listed on the woman who was in an accident's phone under emergencies so I'm calling to notify you that Miss Azade Nzimande has been in an accident and she's in the ICU here in() private hospital" I didn't even reply to the woman I just rushed for my hoodie, house keys and car keys and made my way to the car while hoping and praying that the Lord saves them for me.

Where am I? I can't see a thing in here it is blank and dark. Wait a minute how did I get here? Let me think...ohh I remember now Nathi and I were going to Thuli's place wait then if I'm here where is Nathi and where are my babies?

I was still lost when I saw a light and decided to go towards it when I finally reached it I saw a woman sitting in a rock looking at the flowing river infront of her ohh damn the view was so beautiful I was still awestruck when she said without looking at me "Sawubona Nkanyezi ngane yami"  hayibo who is Nkanyezi? Still shocked she laughed and turned to look at me. You know in my lifetime I've seen and witnessed some beautiful people but who was infront of me was the epitome of beauty njee without a doubt. Still taken by her beauty she spoke and said " Ngane yami sawu bona hawu yhini wathula ohh I know why you are shocked as to why I'm calling you Nkanyezi while your name is Azade, well it is because Nkanyezi will be the name you will be given by sithi lakwa Ndlovu phela Wena Ngane yami njenge Nkanyezi uzokhanyisa amagceke angakithi Wena uzowuvus'umuzi wakwa Ndlovu kodwa kqala usazo dlul'ebunzimeni phela leyakh'indlela is full of thorns and your faith will be tested in every way possible that is why ula manje Ngane yami ngifunukuxwayisa ukuthi kuzobakho iyilingo ngeylingo kodwa ungaphelamandla uzubekezele kukho konke phela akekhomuny'odalelwe lendlendla." And then she smiled at me heeh let me clarify things with this woman " Sawubona ma, angifuni ukuba ngathi ngiyadelela kodwa ma mina angiyilutho Kwa Ndlovu yebo ngineyngane khona kodwa angiyilutho khona ewe amazwi akho anomsoco futhi ayakhuthaza kodwa ngiyaxolisa mina angiseyana uNkanyezi kwaye angisoze ngabanguye" she just looked at me with a smile and said " when you speak like that you remind me of my younger self, yazi ngingu gogo ka Nkosinathi, ukhokho weyngane zakho kwaye I know your future as it was written in the stars way before you were born, Wena ngane yami you were gifted and blessed before you even walked the earth phela Wena you are the daughter of the stars Scheherazade and like the stars you will shine upon those who treat you right but one thing you have to do first you need to forgive, you need to let go of the anger that is weighing you down and your mother must teach you about your gift. As for your mother in-law she will hate you ngane yami ngoba you will see beyond the naked eye once you've been made aware of your gift now you need to go back and rectify the mistakes done by those before you" I was about to reply to her when everything started to fade away...
Hey loves....soon I'll be adding some translations

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now