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Revelations of it all

A week later


It has been a painful, emotionally draining, physically tiering week. Well after the accident Zade, the truck driver and I were admitted to hospital good news is that the truck driver and I suffered minor injuries but Azade has been in a critical condition ever since we've been admitted but that's not all of it, well the rest of it is that the truck driver is an exact replica of myself the only difference is that he has a faint scar on top of his left brow but other than that we the same so , yep he's my twin brother can you believe it? Well it was shocking the first time we woke up, because the doctors didn't know whose who I mean that's funny as fuck but on more pressing matters I really hope and pray Azade wakes up because the doctors say they can't operate the babies out of Azade because everytime a scan is done they see nothing in Azade's womb meaning this pregnancy was a Phantom pregnancy and there are no babies and I choose not to believe that I mean we all know the reason behind all of this is the truth withheld by my parents but today everything is gonna come to light as my parents are coming to see me yep ingona bezayo ever since I've been admitted lol I'm such a joke to my parents but akunani.

Azade is looking like the goddess she is the more I look at her even with these many drips connected to her, her beauty still manages to breakthrough. Azade is my melanin goddess so beautiful that even the sun chose to kiss her before any tainted lips could have a taste. She is the epitome of mesmerizing beauty in my eyes because her beauty can capture and melt hearts cold as the top of Mount Everest. I really hope and pray that God sees us through this phase because I can't see life without Azade at this point. I see myself growing old with this woman. My heart is in her hands and I wouldn't want it to be anywhere else. May the Lord really save them for me cause he only knows what'll do if he takes them from me.

I was still in my thoughts when Thuli entered Azade's ward followed by Azade's parents ngaze ngashowna nkosh. Standing up to greet her father , he just looked at my hand then at Azade the back at me damn dude. It was tense nje after some awkward silence he spoke and said "can we speak outside for a moment?" I was literally just shaking because this guy is scary as fuck. As soon as I closed the door my face collided with Mr Nzimande's fist and it was a mean punch straight , before I could register what is really going on another one followed suit, yhaa no ngizonya.I chose not to fight him and just receive his blows like a man. After the old men's ass whooping he said " Lalela la wemfana angazi ukuthi yhini le ingane yam eybone kuwe but since we are here now this is what's going to happen you are going to gather your uncles and go to apologize and cleans the Nzimande name siyezwana?" I just nodded my head and then decided that I might as well shoot my shot if I die I die vele isoja lifelempini "Mr Nzimande's can I please have your daughter's hand in marriage?" He looked at me and said" damages phambilini then after that we will talk , get yourself cleaned my daughter needs you to be strong for her, still don't like you though" hybo loo baba.

We were walking back to Azade's ward when my brother approached us and we walked together towards the door and as soon as we got in Azade's mom told us to kneel so that we all pray and it was the moment I allowed myself to feel the pain, to really blame myself about everything going on I mean had I allowed Zade to take that Uber this wouldn't have happened. I just full out broke down and then Mrs Nzimande came and consoled me and said " It was not your fault mfan'wami accidents happen be strong mjanje ngoba my daughter and grandchildren need you more than ever" I was still in Mrs Nzimande's embrace when my birth givers walked in the reason for all this. My mom was so shocked she literally had her eyes bawling all out and my dad he had a lot of emotions but chose to mask them all. Cowardice right there!

I know at times cowardice is viewed as quitting or choosing to walk away, but today I am defining cowardice as my father you know why? Well because this man right infront of me is choosing to run away from the emotions he is supposed to be displaying at this tender time, I mean even though he is known as this strong business mogul whom is a powerhouse when it comes to negotiations and getting his way, at this time he is supposed to be humbling himself because due to the choices him and my mother made because today we stand infront of them as identical and similar but we are strangers to one another because of the choices they made. Today we stand infront of them as adults robbed of a childhood that we could have had. Today the woman I love and our children are fighting for their lives because of the choices made by these two. Trust me when I say my mother is also to blame. Yes they say they had no choice but I choose to believe that there's always a choice that is accompanied by a sacrifice but it's a matter of choosing the right choice with its sacrifice which they failed to do.

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