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"The silence before the storm is golden, the peace of mind is you feel price less."
We live in a dog eat dog type of a world. We do things some purposefully and some mistakenly but we always forget that each dog has its day. We cruise through life fastly and excitedly forgetting to enjoy life, to savor each and every moment. We are always chasing the bag whatever the cost forgetting to appreciate what we have now as tommorrow is not promised nor is it certain. These were the thoughts that kept pondering my mind as I finally got the taste of my own medicine, Ohh let me go back a little remember when I was determined to get Savela to talk and tell me all she knows about the whereabouts of Nathi and his little family not knowing that I was beating a future queen to the Arabic throne and a princess of some village in the Eastern Cape. Believe me when I say that I was shocked and I'm still shocked, I can't seem to pin point the how did I go wrong, I can't even really figure out the how did we get here. Well now that we are here wherever this place is, I've been beaten, raped trust me I'm ashamed of saying it but ive been reduced to nothing, I've seen my life flash before my eyes and trust me when I say I've bagged for death but all that was to no avail. You know when I still had what I thought was power, I really thought I knew how to torture people but now I feel like what I was doing was a child's play because these people feed me enough to keep me alive and they also starve me enough to taste my death. They've tortured me to a point where even my mind is scarier than my reality, where I am stuck in the in between, you'd swear I'm in hell...

I've done things I'm not proud of and I've been through situations worse than the one I was in but nothing scared me more than death, ohh no not as in death itself but the thought of leaving my son behind in this cruel world. Whenever I prayed to Allah my son was first in that prayer. When thoughts of succumbing to the pain images of his beautiful face and fragile body would flash in my mind and I knew I had to hold on just for him, above all I thank Allah for my husband because if it wasn't for him I don't know what Mkhize would have done to me...

𝐴 𝑓𝑒𝑤 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟...

Today was one of those sunny days in Cape Town, and one thing about cape Town sun ohh liyashisa bandla. Which is why Nathi, the kids and I decide to go to the beach, and it was gonna be our first outing as a family and our first outing after the whole chaos we went through. "Nathi don't forget the sunscreen!" I was shouting from the kitchen as I was preparing our snacks for the trip. "Baby did you pack your cover up, phela mina ang'funi bafana abazo bhekana ney'shebo zami mama", eye roll ke sana but I wouldn't change him shem yhuu. He has become more lije my bestie u Nathi shem, we do almost every thing together and let me tell about the sex awubandla new feelings develop each and every time its like he sets me alight in places I didn't even know existed within me. We even do date nights now and hay shem they keep the spark. You must be wondering what about the company and the Gallery, well Nathi decided to do what he loves which is farming so he is more focused on the farm now but has someone else running the company back in Joburg, we also supply wine ke bantase to elite restaurants around Mzantsi, ohh we also decided to stay in tge mother's city because we love it here. Well as for the gallery I gave some of my shares to Enkosi so now we are partners and I do pop in here and there but now I'm a full time stay at home mom slash artist, mama wase maplazini ke zithandwa. I did reconnect and reconcile with Vela and my mom and I can fully say I forgave them and I am healing and learning each and every day. Now I have a sisterhood that I didn't know I needed, ohh and Thuli successfully divorced her ex husband, it was messy I tell you but that's a story for another day and she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I'm so deep in my thoughts that I don't notice how the twins and their dad have fallen asleep under the shade of our umbrella, well I'll wake them up later on. We've been through a lot bandla!

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