𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒅 "𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒂𝒘"
The time is 3 am and here I am eating. I was rudely woken up by my hungry tummy yhoo and guess what it was raining outside and as much as I love this kind of weather angiyidingi namuhla. I mean I still have to go to work  and all of my warm clothes don't fit which is a bit of a shock as to why my belly is growing very fast and very big. I swear by the last months I'll be huge as a whale Argh!
I was enjoying my food when my phone pinged which is a shock as no one other than Lilly had my new number. Looking at the screen it was a message and it said "I won't bore you with telling you how I got your number but I have it and I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I won't stop until you give me a chance Love Nkosinathi" hehehe this guy so he is really going to bother me until I give a chance mnkm zandaxakwa tyhiini oNkosinathi basile Xa bethanda. I tried going back to sleep but my mind kept wandering if I gave Nathi a chance what would I lose I mean this guy already has my heart despite me being angry at him I don't wanna lie to myself I still love him and miss him even though I'm the one who walked out when he said let's sit down and talk it out. Maybe I should  wait for him to return so that I tell him how I feel more like give him an earful about how I feel maybe slap him once or twice yhea that's the plan. Smiling while rubbing my belly, sleep finally consumed me.

Waking up at six o clock I rushed to the bathroom to relieve myself and then did my morning routine after that I wore one of Nathi's t-shirts which fit me well as compared to my clothes  and cleaned my apartment after I was done I took another fast shower as I felt a little dirty and sweaty. After I was done I got dressed in a black leather pleated skirt with another one of Nathi's white t-shirt hehehe the way his clothes a so comfortable I swear I might go back to Joburg to steal them from his closet. Putting on a cream coloured jacket and some black stockings and some cream coloured fluffy boots and I put my braids in a bun and had dork around them I looked cute tyhiini.

Work was just fun and therapeutic njee I even had a muse so I was gonna paint for my spring exhibition. I was currently in an Uber going to my place. The driver kept glancing at me through the mirror which is weird in fact it's awkward njee it was as if I'll never get off when the car came to a stop. I paid him and went towards my apartment and I got the shock of my life. There was Mrs and Mr Ndlovu standing next to my door hybo bafunani laa not be rude but I don't have anything to do with them. Smiling forcefully at them I greeted while opening my door " sanibonani bantu abadala" Mrs Ndlovu pulled me for a hug and I returned the favour inviting them in. They looked tense as if they were about to drop a nuclear bomb hehehe. Mrs Ndlovu spoke as they sat down on the couch" sawubona nganeyam, I know it's a bit of shock for you to see us at your door step at this hour and more especially after what our son did to you" I was really holding my anger as these people went mute and ghost when journalists were dragging my name through the mud like they were supposed to be abazali and play their part atleast check up on me ke but then again I was just the maid who had an affair with their son. Taking a deep breath to compose myself I said " there is no point in crying over spilt milk ma what's done is done we can only learn and move on from what happened and I would really appreciate it if we don't talk about it and just get to the point of why nila hayikabi ma ungizwe kahle" she looked like she was going to cry hehehe I wonder "I get that you are angry mntwanami..." Cutting her by saying" ma you don't get it ok and I'm more than angry I'm livid so please spare me and just get to the point" she looked shocked but quickly composed herself and said " Azade we are here because we know you are pregnant" I laughed like laugh and looked at the Ndlovu's " with all due respect ma my pregnancy doesn't involve you in fact if that was all you had to say thank you but ngicela ningiphumele kwam I need to sleep " I said as I opened the door for them Mrs Ndlovu tried to speak but Mr Ndlovu said " at least we tried nkosikazi and this girl has every right to be angry so asimphumele" Mrs Ndlovu looked at her husband with worry and said "but baba she has to know the..." Before she could finish Mr Ndlovu snapped at her and said" kwanele manje MaNdlovu! asambe everything shall reveal its self mnkam. Nkosazana asbonge isikhathi Sakho isazobonana." With that they left and I closed the door behind them and just cried while sliding down the door. What is it that the Ndlovu's want from me I've been kicked out of my home where I was supposed to be welcomed with warmth regardless of how I came. I've had to endure the stares and gossips being spread about me. I've lost a friend and a sister because of them. I had to start over and forget all that I knew because of them and now whole nine months and the rest of my life I have something that will tie me to them forever. Don't get me wrong I don't regret my baby and I will love him or her with all of me, but I just wish he or she wasn't a Ndlovu but it is fate. Argh the choices we make. Getting up I dragged myself to my bedroom and took off my clothes leaving my undues, I got under blankets and slept my sorrows away.
Short because my academics are nyising me!!!! Ngiya gowa!!!!

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now